Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY


The City of WESTMINSTER.40


1466 ob.Edmundus Kirton
1493Thomas Milling
 Johannes Islip
1538Gulielmus Benson
1556Johannes Fecknam

Bishop of Wesminster one only, Tho. Thurleby.

1539Gulielmus Benson
1550Richardus Cox
1553Hugo Weston
1560Gulielmus Bill
1561Gabriel Goodman
1601Lancelot Andrews
1605Richard Neyle
1610Georgius Mounteine
1617Robertus Thompson
1620Johannes Williams
1660Johannes Earl
1663Johannes Dolben
1683Thomas Sprat, Ld Bishop of Rochester.
 Francis Atterbury, Ld. Bp. of Rochester.

Then only Thing I shall add more concerning this ancient Abby, is, that seasonable Provision was made by the late Queen ANNE, for the necessary and effectual Reparation of it, gone to great Decay. Which was, that 4000l. per Ann. should be reserved out of the Duty laid upon Coals, for the building of fifty new Churches, by an Act of Parliament An. 9. Regin. ANNÆ: Wherein it was provided, That the said Sum of 4000l. towards the Repairing of St. Peters Church Westminster, and the Chapels of the same, should be paid to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Chief Justice of the Queens Bench, and the Dean of the said Collegiate Church, (who are hereby constituted Commissioners for repairing the said Church and Chapels) by equal quarterly Payments.]

4000l. per An. for the Reparation of St. Peter's Westminster.



St. Margaret's Church. The Monuments there. The Palace of Westminster. The Great Hall. Feastings, Parliaments, and Law Courts held there. Court of Exchecquer. Dutchy Court. Office of Receipt. Star Chamber. Court of Wards of Liveries. Court of Requests. House of Lords. Subterraneous Apartments. The Treasury. Treasury for Records. Augmentation Office. St. Stephen's. Parliament House. Our Lady of the Piew. Cotton House, and Library. Clockhouse. Gatehouse. The Ambrey. The first Printing-Press here. Totehill Street. Petty France. Mansell's House in Totehill: Where divers Kings and Queens and Nobles were entertained. The Government and Liberties.

The Church of St. MARGARET.


THE Parish Church of St. Margaret, sometime within the Abbey, was, by Edward the Confessor, removed, and builded without, for the Ease of the Monks.

First built.

This Church continued till the Days of Edward the First; at what Time the Merchants of the Staple, and Parishioners of Westminster, builded all of new, the great Chancel excepted, which was builded by the Abbots of Westminster. And this remaineth now a fair Parish Church, tho' sometime in Danger of pulling down.

New built.

In the Reign of Edw. 6.

This Church was repaired, altered, and beautified in the Year 1682; most of the Charges defrayed by Persons of Quality, and others. It is furnished with a large Pair of Organs. A fine antique painted Window over the Communion Table. Prayers are constantly at 6 a-Clock every Evening. A fair Table of Benefactors on the West Wall of the Church.


J. S.

The Minster's House is on the South-East Side of the Church.]



In the South Ile of this Church is a fair Marble Monument of Dame Mary Billing, the Heir of Robert Nesenham of Conington in Huntingtonshire, first married to William Cotton: To whose Issue, her Inheritance alone descended, remaining with Robert Cotton at this Day, Heir of her and her first Husband's Family. Her second Husband was Sir Robert Billing, Chief Justice of England. And her last, whom likewise she buried, was Thomas Lacy. Erecting this Monument to the Memory of her three Husbands, with whose Arms she hath garnished it, and for her own Burial; wherein she was interred in the Year 1499.

Monument of Dame Mary Billing.

Sir Robert Cotton, the Antiquarian.


On an ancient Monument in Brass, at the upper End of the North Ile, is thus written.

Sacrum doloris.
Shall Teares, the silent Messengers of Death,
Dissolve their Streames into a Sea of Moane?     
No, no in vaine you sacrifice Reliefe,
Over his Tombe, with Eyes, with Voyce, with Groane.     
For Cole, (assign'd by God the Poore to pity,
The Widow's Comfort, and eke the Orphan's Sire)     
Who tun'd each String of Hate to Love's sweet Ditty,
Is dead. Ah me! will Death the Best desire?     
Remorselesse Death, thy Wrath in him is ended,
Maugre thy Darts, his Praises cannot dye;

Cole's Monument.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY