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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY


The Church of St. MARGARET.41

The Church of St. MARGARET.

Thou hast his Body, but his Soul ascended     
Into the Place of Joyes Eternity.
And tho' his Corps interr'd lies dead in Grave,     
Yet still his Vertues Life and Being have.
An. Dom. 1597.
In Parliament, a Burgesse, Cole was placed,     
In Westminster the like for many Years,
But now with Saints above his Soul is graced,     
And lives a Burgesse with Heaven's Royall Peers.
O blessed Change, from Earth, where Death is King,
To be united there where Angels sing.

Ejusdem in eundem.
Terra tegit Corpus, mens scandit ad Æthera Cœli,
Fama virens floret, Cætera mors rapuit.

Thus in English.

The Grave my Body, Heaven my Soule doth keepe,
The World my Fame, the rest in Death doth sleepe.
Margaretta Cole posuit.

In another Column of the same Table.

This Monument unites two constant Lovers,     
He that is dead, and her that lives in Death:
His Body she, his Spouse, in Honour covers,     
Wishing her Days were short'ned with his Death.
But she must live, yet living shall be mated     
With him in Death, while Death her Life hath dated.
Full twenty Yeeres and odde, their League was firm,     
Witnesse the World, their Children, and their Love;
Nothing but Death by Death should give the tearme     
Of Farewell to their Faith by false Remove.
Of Breach of Concord no Tongue can accuse them,     
Unlesse base Envy by her Saints abuse them.
O envy not the Dead, but die to Sinne,     
Expect the Harvest of this dead Man's Blisse;
Desire the Crown which Envy cannot winne,     
Amend in you, not others, what's amisse.
Sad Death shall be your Herauld to procure
Rest to your Soules, with Christ for to endure.     
Marget in woe, distill those Years to comfort,
And in thy Children's Love, redresse thy Anguish:     
Three live with thee, then love their living Consort,
No longer in thy Husband's Sorrow languish.     
But imitate thy Cole in Vertue's Laws,     
That thou maist live where Vertue pleads his Cause.

This Monument is in the North Ile, and hath this Inscription.

Here lyeth the Lady Dorothy Stafford, Wife and Widow to Sir William Stafford, Knight, Daughter [in Law] to Henry Lord Stafford, the only Son of Edward the last Duke of Buckingham: Her Mother was Vrsula, Daughter to the Countesse of Salisbury, the only Daughter to George Duke of Clarence, Brother to King Edward the Fourth. Shee continued a true Widow from the Age of 27. till her Death. She served Queen Elizabeth 40 Yeeres, lying in the Bedchamber, esteemed of her, loved of all, doing good, all she could, to every Body, never hurted any; a continual Remembrancer of the Suits of the Poor. As she lived a religious Life, in great Reputation of Honour and Vertue in the World, so she ended in continual fervent Meditation, and hearty Prayer to God. At which Instant, as all her Life, so after her Death, she gave liberally to the Poore, and died aged 78, the 22. of September 1604. In whose Remembrance, Sir Edward Stafford, her Sonne, hath caused this Memorial of her to be in the same Forme and Place as she herselfe long since required him.

On the Monument on the North Side of the Chancel is this Inscription.

To the Memory of Rob. Peeter, Esquire, Auditor of the Receipt, her first Husband, who gave to the Use of the Poore of this Parish one hundred Pound: And of Edward English, her second Husband, a Gentleman, kind, courteous, and of great Hospitality, who gave twelve Pounds in Annuity for ever to the same Use.

A Monument set up by Margaret English to her two Husbands.

Margaret their loving Wife, Daughter of Sir John Tyrill of Gipping, Knight, who likewise hath bequeathed one hundred Pounds, for the purchasing of one yeerely Annuity of twenty Nobles for ever to the foresaid Poore: Lamenting their Death, and for Testification of her dutiful Love, hath erected this Monument.

Another Monument in the same Ile, with this Inscription.

Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Arneway, buried the 8. of September, Anno Dom 1603. And Margaret Arneway, his Wife, who was buried the 9. of August, Anno Dom. 1596.

Near unto the other, in a fair Plate, is this following Epitaph.

A Memorial on the Death of John Varnam, Gardiner, who deceased the xi. of December, 1586. Ætatis suæ 46.

O mortal Man that lives on Earth,     
consider well thy End;
Remember that thou must depart,     
when God for thee doth send.
This Life is but a Pilgrimage,     
so soon it doth decay;
And all the Riches of this World     
shall fade and pass away:

As by Example daily shew'd,     
before our Eyes we see,
That Rich and Poor to Earth are brought     
for their Iniquity.
Let us that live on Earth behind,     
to God for Mercy call,
With woful Heart and wringing Hands,     
and he will blesse us all.

And now to speak of this good Man,     
John Varnam call'd by Name;
Who in his Life he lived well,     
by Labour, Travaile, and Paine:
In helping of the Fatherlesse,     
and Widowes very Poore;
And setting ever them on worke     
which went from Doore to Doore.

A Gardiner by Art he was,     
great Skill he had therein;
And prosper'd well in all his Life,     
with every living Thing
That he at all Times tooke in Hand:     
To God be given all praise,
That did increase this honest Man,     
with Riches many Ways.

The Poor they had great Work of him,     
by weeding of his Ground;
And he to them was well content,     
to leave Assurance sound,
Of Land and Living to releeve     
The Fatherlesse in Need;
So he confirmed this his Minde,     
by Will it was decreed.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY