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was starry, or full of Windows and Lights. In which Respect, some of the Latin Records name it Camera Stellata; the French, Le Chambre des Estoilles; and the English The Starred Chamber.

This Starred Chamber anciently was the Council Chamber, within the King's Palace of Westminster, where the King's Council sate. And here the Kings used to sit personally in Council, being the ordinary Council Chamber, whensoever he did lye and sojourn at his Palace of Westminster, with Deliberation as well of Matters of State, as for decreeing extraordinary Suits and Causes of Complaint.

This anciently the Council Chamber.

This Court was of much ancienter Erection than the Beginning of Henry VII; which some Men, being much deceived, have asserted to be the first Original of it, because of his Statute in his third Year concerning it.

Very ancient.

In former Time it was of great Use for punishing of Riots; and they often committed by Noblemens or Gentlemens Servants; too common in those Days, by reason of Quarrels begun by their Lords and Masters. For the remedying of which, Orders were made in this Court, in the Beginning of King Henry the Seventh, by the King and the Lords spiritual and temporal here assembled. Which was thus as it stood in the Record.

Riots punished in this Court.

In Camera Stellata, An. 1o & 2o Regn. Reg. Henrici Septimi.




Names of the Counsellors of the Spirituality.Names of the Counsellors of the Temporality.
Elien.Lincoln, Derby,
Wigorn.Nottingh. Hunt.
Norwicen.Lisley, Wellis,
Lincoln.S. Jones, Ormond,
Mr. Fox,Dinham, Beauchamp,
Mr. Morgan,De la Ware, Audley,
Mr. Aynsworth,Matrevers,
Mr. Baylie,Sir Tho Bourchier, Donn,
Mr. Gunthorp.Joh. Gilford, Ric. Gilford,
 Bray, Lovel, Naunfant,
 Ratcliff, Hody, Cornborough,
 Dymock, Toketts.

IT is concluded and agreed, that every Lord and Gentleman, if any of his Servants make a Riot, or other Excess, the Master of the same Trespasser shall have in Commandment to bring forth the same Servant. And if he so do not, to abide such Direction and Punition, as by the King and his Council shall be thought convenient. And over that, if the same Riot, or Excess, arise by Cause or Occasion of any Quarrel or Displeasure concerning the Master of him that so exceedeth, the same Master shall answer for the same Excess suchwise as shall be thought to the King and his said Council expedient.

Orders made in this Court.

Another Order to the same Purpose was made under Queen Elizabeth, thus:

In Cam. Stellat. coram Concil. ibm. xxixo die Jan. An. XVI, Dne. nre. Elizabeth Rne.


IT is ordered, that in all Matters of Riot hereafter, where the same is committed by the Servant, by the Masters Procurement, or by any other principal Rioter, the Fine taxed upon the Servant, or him so procured, shall be paid by the Master, or principal Rioter: Or else the Master, or Principal, shall being forth the Servant, or Persons so procured, to be committed to the Fleet for the Offence. Which doing, they shall be discharged of the said Fines; and the Servant or Person procured, shall remain in the Fleet, 'till he have found Sureties for his Fine so taxed into the Exchequer. And all the Rioters convict not to be enlarged before their Fines paid, or Sureties put in for the Payment thereof, as before, into the Court of Exchequer.

Presentib. Dno. Custode Com. Leicestr. Dno. Hunsdon. Dno. Norris. Knolles Thesaur. Hospit. Mildmay Sub-Thesaur. Dyer Capit. Justiciar. de Com. Banc.

And as Cognizance was taken of Riots here, so of Forgeries. Several Instances there were of the Punishment of pillorizing, inflicted for this Crime by the Star Chamber, in the Times of Henry the Eighth, Q. Mary, and Q. Elizabeth.

Forgeries punished in this Court.

This Court was held in the Terms. And the Star Chamber Days in Hilary Term were six; in Easter Term, eight, in Midsummer Term, six; and in Michaelmas Term, sixteen.

Star Chamber Days.

When this Court sate, the Nobility and Persons of Quality, Judges of it, used commonly to dine together at the Prince's Cost. In the Year 1587, the Queen's Charge for the Dinners were,

Charges for their Diet.

In Hilary Term103136
In Easter Term13848
In Midsummer Term103136
In Michaelmas Term27694

These Expences were paid by the Under- Treasurer, who appointed a Steward of the Star Chamber; And he, among other Duties incumbent on him, had a Right to the Lord's Diet here, as belonging to his Office; and his Fee was payable out of the Receipt. The Names of some of these Stewards, as I have collected them, were,

Sebastian Hilary, An. 14. H.8.     
Richard Brown, An. 28. H.8.

William Staunton, An. ult. Edw. 6.

John Dodington, An. 14. Eliz.

Francis Guilpin, An. 27. Eliz.

They had a Right to be continued in their Places, however the Under-Treasurer were changed. Concering which, when some Doubt was raised while Guilpin was Steward, a Prescription was shewn of seventy Years in his Behalf. Let this suffice for some Remarks concerning this ancient and noble Court of Star Chamber, now dissolved.]

Then at the upper End of the great Hall, by the King's Bench, is a going up to a great Chamber, called, The Whitehall, wherein is now kept the Court of Wards and Liveries. This Court was founded 32. H. 8. cap. 46, called, The Court of the King's Wards. The Office of the Livery was annexed to the Court of Wards, 33. H. 8. cap. 22. And adjoining thereunto is the Court of Requests.

The Court of Wards and Liveries.

Cok. Instit. Pt. 4. p. 188.

Court of Requests.

Both these are now also dissolved. A few Words concering this last named Court. In this Court all Suits made to the King or Queen, by Way of Petition, were heard and ended. This was called The Poor Man's Court, because there he should have Right without paying any Money. And it was also called the The Court of Conscience. The Judges of this Court were called The Masters of Requests: One for the Common Laws, and the other for the Civil Laws. And I find that it was a Court of Equity, after the Nature of Chacery, but inferior to it. There were Judges of it. Commonly the Lord Privy Seal was the Chief. And there were Masters of Requests that were ordinary Judges.

Sir Tho. Smith's Commonweal.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY