Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
http://localhost:8080/strype/TransformServlet?pref2_003[Accessed ]

© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY



[  Unpaginated in the original. ]

thought convenient and proper for the further Improvement of this SURVEY; and as might tend to the Knowledge of the State, Grandeur, Laws, Customs, and Privileges of it in Ancient Times: Books, that contain such a Treasure, as, notwithstanding what Mr. STOW, as well as others since, have extracted thence, and published; many other Things, in great Variety, worthy our Notice, remain there still unexhausted. Whereof further considerable and large Collections now in this Edition are come to Light: And, I suppose, of as great Use and Importance; and tending also to the Honour of the City and Citizens.

In this our Book will be revived the Memory of many of Your Worthy Predecessors, Maiors and Aldermen, as well as other Citizens: And of their notable Acts; of Wisdom, good Government, Zeal for the flourishing and prosperous State of the City; of their firm Loyalty, and their Supplies, and Services to their Princes, Kings and Queens of the Realm: Likewise, of their Care of Religion, Sobriety and good Order: And lastly, of their manifold, extensive Gifts of Charity, in founding Schools, Alms-houses, Hospitals, Lectures, Fellowships, Scholarships, and Exhibitions in the Universities; and their most Generous and Christian Benefactions, in one Respect or other, throughout most Parts of this Kingdom.

It will here be discovered further, for the Honour of the City, how that many Noble and Wealthy Families have been raised hence: Which at this Day must owe their Original to LONDON: and do acknowledge it. And likewise, that not a few of our Citizens have sprung from Ancient Families elsewhere, and proved Ornaments to this City, as well as other Places in the Nation.

Thus, with all due Respect, recommending my self and my Pains unto the favourable Acceptance of You all, I subscribe my self,

Right Honourable and Right Worshipful,
Your most Humble
Obedient Servant,

© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY