Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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The Preface. iij

The Preface.

"well taken, and shall be publickly acknowledged. "

" And it is hoped this Motion will be the better received, since the doing this will contribute to a common Good, by rendring a Book of such a publick Nature more correct and compleat. And especially, as to the Article relating to CHARITIES, a just List thereof, among other good Ends, would do a Right to the Protestant Religion professed in this Church of England, while the World sees so many Examples in one Protestant City, demonstrating how conversant those of that Communion have been in good Works."

" Brethren, I do approve of Mr. Strype's Undertaking in seting forth a new Edition of STOW's Survey. And the Matters propounded to you in this Paper, being so conducive to the Improvement of it, I cannot but recommend it unto you, the Clergy of London, and of the Suburbs.

What Effect this good Motion had, I will not here declare. But some few of the Clergy obliged me with the best Accounts they could make: As namely, Dr. Bradford, now the Right Reverend Father in God Bishop of Carlisle; Dr. Barton deceased, Mr. Stringfellow Rector of St. Dunstan's in the East, &c. And I must needs mention Dr. Bray, Minister of St. Butolph Algate; who understanding lately of my Purpose, hath sent me in a very exact and particular Information in Writing, drawn out of the Parish Books, of all the Benefactions to that great and populous Parish: Some whereof are very large, and christianly generous. And what Care hath been taken to supply this Part of the Work, the Book in the several Places will shew.

Again, another Thing, that Labour and Diligence hath been bestowed in, relates to the Laws, Customs and Usages of the City. Wherein the Liberties and Privileges, as well as the Duties of the Citizens, are contained. And therefore ought to be known by them, and in that regard necessary to be set down, as accurately and largely as might be; being Things so material for them to be advised of. This was laudably begun by A. M. in the last Edition: but very much improved and enlarged in this. And to enable me the better in the doing the same, it was not only necessary to gather up, and present the many and most important Acts of Parliament and Common Council, relating to the City and its Affairs; but also to have recourse to the authentick Books and Records belonging to the Chamber of London: Where many ancient and curious Matters of this nature might be found. But this seemed to be somewhat difficult to be obtained. Yet by the Help of some Friends of Quality and good Account, and making the Court of Aldermen acquainted with my Design, and requesting their Leave and Licence, I obtained an Order from them to Mr. Ashhurst, then Town Clerk, to give me Access to some of their Books, that might be most to my Purpose, and their Allowance to transcribe what I thought convenient out of them: but withal I was enjoined by the Court to leave in Mr. Town Clerks Hands all my Notes that I should so collect thence, to be reviewed and examined; lest some things published from them might seem prejudicial some way or other to the City, or be judged not so convenient to be known; or lest any Mistakes might be made by me in transcribing. Which (as was fit) I readily complied with. Many Remarks I took out thence, respecting both the ancient State of the City, and also of the Courts, the Customs, the Magistrates, the Officers, &c. The chief Books I conversed with, were those two famous ancient Volumes, the one called Liber Horne, from the Writer, the other called Liber Albus, i.e. the White Book. Both so often made use of and cited by Mr. Stow. This last mentioned Book was composed in Latin, An. 1419. 7. H. 5. mense Novembris. And what it contains is known by what is writ in one of the First Pages, viz. Continens tam laudabiles Observantias, non scriptas, in dict. Civitate fieri solitas, quàm notabilia memoranda, &c. sparsim & inordinatè scripta. That is, "Containing as well laudable Customs, not written, wont to be observed in the said City, as other notable things worthy remembring, here and there scatteringly, not in any Order written." The Compiler of this White Book was one Carpenter: whose Name fairly and largely writ fronts the first Page. Who I suppose may be that J. Carpenter, sometime Town Clark, in the Reign of Henry V. mentioned by Stow in his Survey among the worthy Benefactors of the City: and whose Gifts are there set down. In this Volume are inserted Memorials of the Maiors, Sheriffs, Recorders, Chamberlains, and the other chief Officers of the City: likewise all the Charters granted by the several Kings of England from William the Conqueror: and the Confirmations thereof. There is also a Tract of the Manner and Order, "How Barones & Universitas Civitat. London, &c. That is, The Barons, [i.e. the Freemen] and Commonality of the City of London, ought to behave and carry themselves towards the King and his Justitiaries Itinerants in the Time it pleaseth the King to hold Pleas of the Crown at the Tower of London:" Together with many other Matters and Subjects, contained in this Choice MS.

N. 175.

Chap. 30.

Which being Things so weighty and necessary to be known, it was thought highly useful to draw up an exact Transcription of them. Which accordingly was done about Three Hundred Years ago, in a fair Parchment Book in Folio: and it remains in the Town Clerks Office. Which I had the Favour to see and make Use of for a considerable Time; the Beginning whereof, giving a further Account of this Memorable Book, I will take Leave here to transcribe Verbatim.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY