Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY



Six Books of the SURVEY of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER.

Containing a General Description of the City of LONDON: And some Account of the CITIZENS.

The Contents of the Chapters of the First Book.

CHAPTER 1. The Situation; Populousness; Extent, Commodiousness, Original, Antiquity and Name of LONDON. Conjectures at the Bigness of it; And Number of Inhabitants. King LUD. The City of the Trinobantes. Submits to Julius Cæsar. LONDON; What before Julius Cæsar. Whether a Colony under the Romans. Proclamations about new Buildings in the City; and for Forefronts. page 1.

CHAP. II. The Antiquity of the WALL, built about the City. Walls when first in Britain. For Defence against the Picts and Scots. LONDON strongly walled by the Saxons. The Maintenance and Reparation of the Wall. Murage. The antient Wall near Bishopsgate decribed. The Dimensions of the Wall. And a Computation of the Quantity of Ground within the Walls. p. 7.

CHAP. III. Of the old Town Ditch: without the Walls of the City. The Modern Improvement of Fleet Ditch, made convenient for Barges, Dreins, and Sewers. Encroachments upon the Walls, and Ditch. A Survey taken thereof by Order of the City. The Freedom without the Walls. The Length of the Line of Separation; Dividing the Freedom of the City from the rest of the County. p.11.

CHAP. IV. The Gates of the City: made through the Wall. I. The Postern Gate by the Tower. II. Aldgate. III. Bishopsgate. IV. Moorgate. V. Criplegate VI. Aldersgate. VII. The Postern out of Christs Hospital. VIII. Newgate: A Goal or Prison for Malefactors. The Exhortation made to the Condemned. IX. Ludgate. A Prison for Freemen, Debtors. The Water Gates, Queenhith. Downgate: Wolfesgate, Ebgate, Oistergate, Bridgegate, Belinsgate. Wharfs and Keys. Watches at the Gates. p. 14.

CHAP. V. Of the antient and present Rivers, Brooks, Bournes, Pools, Wells, serving the City with wholesome Water. The THAMES, River of the Wells, Turnemill Brook, Fleet Dike, Walbrook, Langborne, Oldborne, Holywell, Clements Well, Clarks Well, Skinners Well, Fags Well, Annis the Clear, Horsepool, Pool without Criplegate. Bosses and Conduits of fresh Water visited by the Lord Maior. Inquisition into Lanes and Passages to the Thames. The Supply of the City by the New River; and THAMES Waters. The present State of the City as to Water. Supply of Southwark with Water. Springs of excellent Water in the City. Benefactors to the Conduits. p. 22.

CHAP. VI. Of the antient and famous River of THAMES. Whence it deriveth her Head, or Source. And thence conveyeth it self on to the Cities Service: Being supplied by divers other sweet Rivers in her Course. The Commodities of this River. The Fish. Its Tides and Overflowings. Shiftings of its Tides. p. 28.

CHAP. VII. A Survey of the River of Thames, as far as it lyes under the Care and Inspection of the Lord Maior, And what Care hath been taken of it by the City. Courts kept concerning the said River. The Soil and Ground of it, the Cities. p. 32.

CHAP. VIII. A further Testimony concerning the River of Thames, and of the Right and Authority of the Lord Maior of London to the Conservacy of the said River. Proved learnedly in a Charge given by the Common Serjeant, Anno 1618. The Charge to the Inquest for the Thames. An Order from King Charles I. to the Judge of the Admiralty, Sir Henry Marten; as tho the City had encroached upon the Court of Admiralty. p. 34.

CHAP. IX. A more particular Account of the Locks, the Wears, and Mills on the Thames. Complained of. Reasons for maintaining them. The Judgment of the Trinity House concerning Corn Mills to be set up in the Thames. Publick Orders for the Conservacy of it; And of the Fish. p. 39.

CHAP. X. A further Account of this famous River of Thames; as to so much as the Lord Maior is Conservator of; with a short Description of the Towns and Places within the said Limits, that are seated on its Banks on either side, in Kent, and Essex, Middlesex and Surrey. Beginning at Graves End, and Tilbury Fort; and ending at Stanes on the West. Citizens take the Air by Water. The Poet Gower's Verses on that Occasion. p. 42.

CHAP. XI. Two Acts for the River of Thames. The one, an Act of Parliament for the Preservation of this River. The other in Pursuance


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY