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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Chapters and Contents.xxxij

Chapters and Contents.

thereof, being an Act of Common Council for the Conservation, and cleansing of it: In King Henry the Eighths Reign. p. 45.

CHAP. XII. The River Lee of Ley; of great Benefit to the City. An Act of Parliament for a new Cut to be made in it: But not effected. A Device of a Cut in this River to bring the Water to Moorgate. Scoured, and made navigable. A Commission of the Sewers for the Lee. Cuts made on the Banks of it in the Night Time, to let out the Water. Some are against the Passage of the Barges with Corn. The great Conveniency thereof to the City, shewed. Complaint again of this Water-Carriage: Answered. Another Commission of Sewers for the Lee. Order of Star Chamber concerning this River. And their final Determination. The City chiefly furnished with Bread-corn and Malt from this River. Remarks out of Law Books concerning the Lee. p. 47.

CHAP. XIII. LONDON BRIDGE. The Antiquity of it. At first a Wooden Bridge. When first built of Stone. Custody of London Bridge. The Chappel on the Bridge. Means for Repair and Maintenance of it. Lands given for the Bridge. The Custody of it taken from the City. Presentments thereof to the Judges Itinerants. Gifts to the Repair of the Bridge. Actions and Accidents, happening on the Bridge. Buildings on the Bridge. Burnt An. 1212. Burnt again An. 1632. Rebuilt. Burnt the Third Time An. 1666. Rebuilt. The modern State of it. The Arches. Their Uses, viz. for Mills to grind Corn. Other old Bridges. Fleet Bridge, Ouldbourne Bridge, Cow Bridge, Bridges over Town Ditch, and over the Course of Walbrook, Horseshoe Bridge. p. 53.

CHAP. XIV. Of such antient Towers and Castles, as have been in and about this City of LONDON. Tower on London Bridge. Tower on the South of London Bridge. Baynards Castle; belonging to Lord Fitz Water, Castillian and Banner-bearer of London. Tower of Montfitchet on the Thames, where the House for the Black Friars was situate. Another Tower on the West, by St. Brides Church. Tower of Barbican; Used as a Watch Tower. Other Watch Towers. Tower Royal: Of old Time the King's House: Afterwards the Queen's Wardrobe. Sernes Tower. p. 59.

CHAP. XV. Of the Tower of London. Its Situation and Magnitude. The Liberties and Bounds of it. How within the City. Contention between the Lieutenant and the Maior about the Liberties. The Points of Controversy between them. The Markstone. The Precinct of the Tower. St. Peters in the Tower; A Parish. The Tithes. Very spacious in former Times. Orders for the Repairs of it; and the Images of the Saints there. The Monuments. St. John's Chapel in the White Tower. The Records kept there. The Governors and principal Officers of the Tower. Constable of the Tower. The Names of the Constables. The Constables Privileges. Confirmed by Kings against the City. The Extent of his Power. His Salary, and Fees for Prisoners there. Lieutenant of the Tower. Custos of the Tower. Records concerning the Custoses. These Keepers of the Tower, Temporary. Names of some Lieutenants. Sir Owen Hopton. Complaints against him. Vindicates himself. Present State of a Lieutenant. Gentleman Porter. Names of some of them. Claim a Benefit of the Ground within the Liberty. Contest between him and the Bowyer. Gentleman Jaylor. His Fee. Warders of the Tower. Fees and Wages of the Officers. Modern Governors. The Lieutenancy and Hamlets. p. 64.

CHAP. XVI. The Antiquity, and first Foundation of the Tower. The White Tower; built by William the Conqueror. The Buildings of the Tower. Walls and Bulwarks. Reparations and Improvements. Tenements within the Liberty. The modern Reparations and Buildings. The new Armory. New Store Houses. p. 77.

CHAP.XVII. The various Accidents, Occurrences and Passages of Remark, that have fallen out in, or concerning the Tower. Antient Coins. The Tower invaded in Wat Tyler's Rebellion. Commitments hither; and Executions. A Commission to view the State of the Tower. Prisoners there Ann. 1590. and 1591. The Crown and Globe stolen out of the Tower. A full Relation of the Manner of doing it. Some Censures and Reflections upon the Event of it. p. 81.

CHAP. XVIII. Of the Mint in the Tower. The several Officers belonging to the same. Table of English Gold Coins: And of such Monies both Gold and Silver, as have been coined therein. Divers particular Matters relating to the Mint. Sir Richard Martin, Kt. and Alderman, Master of the Mint. The King's Seals to be engraven in the Tower Mint. The danger of farming out the Mint, as it was once. Names of the Officers of the Mint. p. 96.

CHAP. XIX. Of the Office of the Ordnance, kept within the Tower. The several Officers; Antient and Modern. Subordinate Officers. Late Officers. Commission to survey the Ordnance. Fees and Salaries. Transactions and Occurences about the Ordnance. Orders to the Gunfounders. A Patent to dig for Salt Petre. p. 104.

CHAP. XX. Of the Office of keeping the Records in the Tower. Where they are kept. The Order lately taken for digesting and preserving them. Account of the Rolls. Kalendar of the Records. Number of the Rolls in the Tower. Scotch Records brought to the Tower. The Keeper of the Records. Orders of this Office. The Antiquity thereof. The Place where antiently kept. Names of several former Keepers. Remarks on the two last Keepers, viz. Prynn and Petyt. The Regalia. Jewels of the Crown kept here. A List of them: Swords, Crowns, Sceptres, Rings, &c. Keeper of the Lions, and other wild Beasts, and Creatures there. A Combat of two wild Beasts before K. James I. What wild Creatures are now there kept. Other Custodies in the Tower. The divers Uses of the Tower. p. 109.

CHAP. XXI. Of the Houses for Students of the Law; called the Inns of Court and Chancery. Why so called. Their Readings Mootings. Serjeants at Law. Judges. The Manner of keeping Christmas at the Inns of Courts. Revels. p. 120.

CHAP. XXII. Of Schools and other Houses of Learning; as are, or have been in the City. A Challenge to write for the Gold Pen. A Chirurgery Lecture. Hood's Mathematical and Military Lecture. Gresham College. The Will of Sir Tho. Gresham. The Lectures there. The Settlement of them. Complaints made against the Readers. Antient Orders for the Professors Readings. The Professors. p. 123.

CHAP. XXIII. The College of Physicians. The Usefulness of this College. Their Charter granted by K. Henry VIII. Privileges of this College. Dispensaries set up by them. Their Usefulness.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY