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Chapters and Contents.xxxvij

Chapters and Contents.

Containing an Account of the Government of the City, Ecclesiastical, Temporal, and Military. And of the Governors of this City. Its Corporations and Trades. Its Laws, Orders, Customs, and Privileges. Its Militia.

The Contents of the Chapters of the Fifth Book.

CHAP. I. The Government of the City of LONDON. And first, of the Ecclesiastical State. Catalogue of the Bishops of London; And of the Parishes and Churches. An antient List of them, and of their Patrons and Tenths. The Religious Houses, Hospitals Fraternities, Chapels, &c. Tables of the present, or late Incumbants, Lectures, Value of the Livings of all the Parishes in London and Westminster; With the Out Parishes. Table of daily Hours of Prayers, &c. in every Church. Weekly Lectures. Boyle's Monthly Lecture. Anniversary Sermons. Another Table of the Times and Places of Morning and Evening Prayer, Administration of Sacraments. Lecture Sermons. And also a Table of the Charity Schools. p. 1.

CHAP. II. State of the Parish Priests and Parishoners of London antiently. The Offerings to be paid them. An Archbishop of Canterburies Letter to the Lord Maior concerning them. Bulls of Pope Innocent and Pope Nicolas, in Confirmation of them. More Contests concerning Offerings. Bishop Niger's Constitution. Tithes. Privy Tithes. Glebe. Tithes diminshed. A Bill in Parliament for Tithes. Minsters of London, their Petition to K. James and K. Charles I. An antient Visitation of the Parochial Churches. Articles found by Inquisition in St. Magnus Parish. p. 22.

CHAP. III. The late Endeavours used in the City for the restraining of Vice; Promoting of Religion and Sobriety at Home; And extending the Knowledge of the Gospel into other Parts of the World; By means of the Societies. Society for Reformation of Manners. Reformation of the Stage. Society for promoting Christian Knowledge. Society for propagating the Gospel in foreign Parts. Societies of Young Men. Charities and Provisions made for the Poor. Provisions for them in the Winter. Charity Schools; their present State. Reformation in singing Psalms. Commission for the Augmentations of small Livings by Q. Anne's Bounty. The Act for Building Fifty new Churches. p. 30. CHAP IV. An Account of the Gifts and Charities and Charities committed to the Trust of the Twelve Companies: And the Names of the Donors. The said Benefactions consisting in Hospitals, Alms Houses, Free Schools, Endowments of Livings, Founding of Lectures, Exhibitions, Annual Gifts, &c. p. 54. CHAP V. Of the Temporal Government of this City. Portgraves, Maiors, Sheriffs, Aldermen, Divers Remarks concerning them, and their Privileges. Their Elections in antient Times. Controversies of late about Election of Sheriffs: settled by Act of Common Council, An. 1703. Their Customs; And the Exercise of their Magistracy. p. 73.

CHAP. VI. The antient Government of the City. A Catalogue of the Portgraves, Custoses, Bailiffs, Maiors and Sheriffs: With the Coats of Arms of each Maior. Relation of divers Accidents of Remark, falling out in the City, from Time to Time, under those respective Magistrates: And other memorable Matters noted. p. 100.

CHAP. VII. Government by a Maior, how antient. The Cities Charter, to chuse their own Maiors. Is chief Butler at Coronations. His Privileges and State. His Court Days. Sheriffs; Their Elections. Their Office. Their Courts. Under-Sheriffs. Cetain Fees of Maiors and Sheriffs. p. 153.

CHAP. VIII. Aldermen of London. Antient Customs, &c. concerning them. Their Wards. Recorders. A Catalogue of them. Other Offices of the City, and of the Maior, and Sheriffs. A List of the Common Sergeants; and Town Clerks. Liveries given by the Maiors and Sheriffs. The Order and Precedency of the Companies. The Order of the Apparel of Maiors, Sheriffs and Aldermen, according to their Days of Meeting. Under-Officers of the City; And their Oaths. p. 156.

CHAP. IX. Freemen of the City; called Barons. Companies or Corporations. Their Coats of Arms. Charters. Times of their Incorporations. The Mercers. Grocers. Drapers. Fishmongers. Goldsmiths. Skinners. Divers Remarks of each Company; and the Names of such Members of them, as bore the Office of Lord Maior, and the Years, When. p. 173.

CHAP. X. The Merchant Taylors Company. Haberdashers or Milleners: why so called. Salters. Ironmongers. Vintners. Their Charter given them by K. EDWARD III. Clothworkers. Divers Remarks of these Companies. And the Names of such Members of them, as bore the Office of Lord Maior; And the Years, When. p. 190.

CHAP. XI. The other Companies following the Twelve. Dyers: Brewers: Controversies about gauging their Vessels. Quantity of Beer brewed in London. Number of Brewers. Prices set upon Beer and Ale. Portage Beer. Leathersellers. The Glovers Complaint against them. A Patent for sealing of Leather, opposed by the Company. Pewterers. Their Patent for casting of Tin Bars. p. 201.

CHAP. XII. Barber Chirurgeons, formerly two distinct Companies. Armourers. White Bakers.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY