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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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Chapters and Contents.xli

Chapters and Contents.

Containing certain Tracts, Discourses and Remarks, concerning the State of the City of LONDON. Together with a Perambulation about the Parishes and Towns adjacent within the Compass of Five Miles.

CHAP. I. A DISCOURSE Commendatory of the City of LONDON. Of Cities in general. Of the Singularities of this City. The Benefit of its Situation. Its Martial Services; and Aids to its Princes. The Government of it. The Numbers of its Inhabitants. Their Qualities. Their Strength. Their Wealth. Merchants, Retailers. The great Advantages accruing to Prince and Country by London. Rebellions and Tumults of the Citizens. The Causes thereof. And of their Punishments inflicted by some of the Kings: With an Examination of such Causes as have heretofore moved the Princes, either to Fine or Ransome the Citizens of London; Or to seize the Liberties of the City itself. Written by Way of Apology, by some eminent Person unknown, about the Year 1578. p. 1.

CHAP. II. The Antient Tract of Fitz Stephen, an Author in the Reign of K. Henry II. in Latin. And translated into English: Containing a Description of London in his Time. With Stow's Preface to the Reader, giving some Account of the Author. p. 8.

CHAP. III. A Writing of a learned Lawyer, and Antiquarian; Containing the Laws and Privileges of the City of LONDON; By their Charter and Acts of Parliament. Composed upon the Occasion of the Quo Warranto against the City, in the Reign of K. Charles II. p. 16.

CHAP. IV. Of the CHARITIES and charitable Foundations of antient Times, belonging to the City. Hospitals for Persons bereft of their Wits; Lepers, Blind, Poor, needy People, and Children. Hospitals of later Erection. Lazar Houses. p. 20.

CHAP. V. Of divers Roman Vessels and other Antique Curiosities, found in LONDON, before and since the great Fire. p. 21.

CHAP. VI. LUDGATE. What it is; not what it was. Or a full and clear Discovery and Description of the Nature and Quality, Orders and Government, Duties of Officers, Benefits and Privileges, Fees and Charges, of that Prison. Also an exact Catalogue of the Legacies now belonging to the said Prison. The Names of the several Donors, and the Persons appointed to pay them; very useful and profitable to all sorts of Persons, especially in London; whether Creditors, or Debtors. Also, an Epistle Dedicatory and a Preface wrote by the Author, then a Prisoner there. p. 24.

CHAP. VII. The Order of the Hospitals of K. Henry VIII. and K. Edward VI. viz. St. Bartholomew, Christ's, Bridewell, St. Thomas. By the Maior, Commonalty and Citizens of London, Governors of the Possessions, Revenues and Goods of the said Hospitals. Printed, Anno 1557. p. 35.

CHAP. VIII. An Act of Common Council: Together with certain Orders, Rules and Directions touching the Paving and Cleansing the Streets, Lanes and common Passages within the City of London and Liberties thereof: And other Things relating thereunto. p. 45.

CHAP. IX. Orders and Ordinances, for the better Government of the Hospital of St Bartholomew the Less. Published in the Reign of K. Edward VI. for the Vindication of the Citizens Care thereof, and the Faithful Discharge of their Trust in the said Hospital; Committed to them by K. Henry VIII. Against certain Clamours and Slanders raised by some ill-minded Persons in those Days, and Printed again, Anno MDLXXX. p. 51.

CHAP. X. A brief Discourse; declaring and approving the necessary and inviolable Maintenance of the laudable Customs of LONDON: Namely, of that one, whereby a reasonable Partition of the Goods of Husbands among the Wives and Children, is provided: With an Answer to such Objections and pretended Reasons, as are, by Persons unadvised or evil persuaded, used against the same. Written by some Learned Lawyer unknown about the Year MDLXXX. p. 61.

Conclusion. Sir Richard Martin, Kt. Lord Maior. To the Lord Treasurer, Lord Burghley: Complaining of one, for attempting to build a Wharf upon the Watergate of the Tower. p. 68.

The Perambulation or Circuit Walk.


CHAP. I. A Visitation of the Towns and Churches within Four or Five Miles distant from London, viz. On the West and South West; Kensington, Hammersmith, Chelsea, Fulham, Putney, Wandesworth, Battersea, Clapham, Camberwel, Lambeth and Newington Butts. With Cognizance of the Monuments of the Dead in those Churhces. p. 69.

CHAP. II. The Circuit Walk on the South East and East Parts, viz. Rotherhith, Deptford, Greenwich. The College there. The Hospital there. Stepney. The Parsonage. Divers Remarks concerning that Parish. Poplar, Blackwall. With Cognizance taken of the Monuments of the Dead in those Parish Churches. p. 87.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY