Stratford le Bow.109

Stratford le Bow.

Mr. Thomas Gibby, Citizen and Dyer of London, departed the 14th of Jan. 1697, in the 66th Year of his Age.

Another Altar Monument in the Churchyard for Philip Starky, Citizen and Cook of London. Who departed the 19th of May, 1677, in the 70th Year of his Age.

On a Table hanging up in the Vestry at Bromley, is this Memorial of the Free-School at Stratford le Bow.

"The Court of Assistants of the worshipful Company of Drapers of London, are, according to the Will of Sir John Jolls, late Knight and Merchant of London, dated Anno 1620, to choose a Schoolmaster and Usher for a Free School at Bow, in the County of Middlesex, and to pay them a Salary of 26l. 13s. 1d. per Annum."

"In Consideration, that the said Schoolmaster and Usher shall teach to the Number of 35 Boys, if there shall be so many tendered, and found Children of the Inhabitants of Stratford Bow, and Bromley St. Leonard's, to be freely in the said School, without paying anything for their Teaching, to learn the Grammar and Latin Tongue, and to Write and Cypher."



A Little Way from Bromley, by the great Road leading into Essex, stands the Church or Chapel of Stratford, called The Bow, from the Bow or Arched Bridge there over the Ley: Formerly belonging to the Mother Church of Stepney; but of late made a Parish distinct by Act of Parliament.

J. S.

In the Chancel, against the North Wall, is this Monument:

Near this Place lyeth the Body of Mr. Thomas Jordan of London, Merchant. Who married Katharine the only Daughter of Richard Whitlock of London, Merchant. By whom he had Issue five Sons and nine Daughters. Of which he left living two Sons and five Daughters. He finished his Course the 62d Year [of his Age] and yielded up his Spirit unto God April the 9th, 1671. Bequeathing his Body to the Earth, to wait for a blessed Resurrection.
The Memory of the Just shall be had in everlasting Remembrance.

A Hatchment hangs up here, Baron and Femme. Baron, Sable, three Bells Arg. Femme, Arg. a Cheveron Gules, charged with three Cinquefoils, between as many Gauntlets of the First.

A Stone in the Chancel for James Harrison, Esquire, departed the 3d of June 1669, having lived in this transitory Life 67 Years.

A Table hanging up in the same Chancel, against the North Wall:

In Memory of Rachel Wilmer, Daughter of Mr. George Wilmer of Stratford Bow in the County of Middlesex, Esquire. Who departed this Life the 25th of Sept. 1670, in the 24th Year of her Age.

On the Top of the Table, divers Coats quartered. The first, Gules, a Cheveron Arg. between three Spread Eagles Or.

At the upper End of the South Ile, on the Wall, is this Inscription:

Hereunder lyeth buried Grace the Daughter of John Wilson, late Alderman of London: And. while she liv'd, the Wife of John Amcotte of the same City, Fishmonger. By whom she had two Sons, Hammond and Harry, and a Daughter named Grace. The which Grace, the Mother, deceased the 13th of July. And her Son Hammond deceased the 6th of August following, A.D. 1551, and lyeth buried with his Mother.
Whose Death and vertuous Ends have yee in Remembrawns, calling to the living God for the Forgiveness of your Sinns.

Amcotte's Coat was in eight Quarters. The first, A Tower between three Cups with their Covers. The second, A Fesse Gules, betwen three Escalops of the same, &c.

In the North Ile against the East Wall is a very fair Monument of white Marble with a large Inscription, of a Maid, Daughter and Heir of Mr. Coburne, a Brewer: Who being to be married to one Mr. Wollaston, dyed of the Small Pox on the Day appointed for her Wedding.

Infra siti sunt Cineres ALICIÆ COBURNE,
Filia unica THOMÆ COBURNE, Gen. de Stratford Bow,
Quæ (Licèt defunctâ inter pariendum Matre,
Defuncto item decem pòst mensibus Patre,
Tamen) inauditâ Novercæ Priscæ Coburne curâ
Liberaliter educata,
Cum attigisset annum decimum quintum,
Supra ætatem longè Prudentiâ, optimisq; animi Dotibus ornata
Supra quotidianas Formas miris modis elegans & venusta,
Supra præceptis Philosophorum cunctis virtutis numeris absoluta,
Supra fidem omnibus æqua & benigna,
Omnibus vicissim grata;
Suorum denique Deliciæ,
Spes sola Familiæ;
Ea erat Vis Formæ ac Virtutis,
Attraxit ad se amantem [W.W.]
Qui veniendo, videndo victus,
Eam solam sibi speravit Uxorem,
Eam solam comitem vitæ, Thalamique participem:
Prospera omnia procedere visa,
Alter alterius ignes æquaverunt,
Fixos in utriúsque medullis penitissimis:
Amoris perenne Fædus percussam;
Dies nuptialis appetivit:
Totiq; erant in concessis, quæ jam instabant, Gaudiis,
Cum inopinato Variolarum morbo correpta
Nupturiens Puella,
Magno omnium cum Luctu,
Amantis maximo,
Obiit (Infandum! obiit)
VIII. scil. Maii anno Christi nati M DC LXXXIX,
Et ipsissimo die Nuptiis destinata sepulta
Hic recubuit;
Quasi mortali amplexui præponens Abrahami sinum.
Ubi jam suavi obvoluta Requie,
Manet Ar.asin Justorum:
Eo primum die visura, terreno suo Corpore
Corpora pulchriora,
Virtutem suâ, dum in vivis erat, perfectiorem;
Amorem, vel suo erga Procum, vel Proci erga seipsam,
In id Tempus daret hoc quale Monumentum,
Mœstissimi Amatoris Opus,
Dimidiâ tantum parte superstitis,
Memoriæ Virginis . .......... utriusq; Amori,
