A Second APPENDIX.10


Representatives for the City of


THE first Return Westminster ever made of Representatives to Parliament, was after the Dissolution of Abbeys. For it is plain, that Ano. 33 of Henry the Eighth, there was no Return or Summons of Members from it, or Peterborough, or several Abbey Towns. So we may date their sending Representatives to be undoubtedly in Henry the Eighth's last Parliament, begun An. Reg. 33. aforesaid, or rather in the next convened Parliament, which was in Edward the Sixth's Reign. So there we begin our Account.



1, Parl. at Westminster, Geo. Blage, Kt. John Rede, Gent.
6, ditto, Rob. Southwell, Kt. The other Name torn.



1, P. at Westm. Rob. Smallwoode, Will. Gyes.
1, P. at Oxford, Will. Gyes, Rich. Hodges.
1 & 2, P. at Westm. Will. Jennings, Will. Guys.
2 & 3, ditto, Arthur Sherton, Rich. Hodges.
4 & 5, ditto, Rich. Newdigate, John Beaste, Gent.



1, P. at Westm. Torn John Best.
5, ditto, Rob. Nowell, Will. Bowyer, Gent.
13, ditto, Will. Cordell, Kt. Will. Staunton, Gent.
14, ditto, * Tho. Wilbraham, Esq; John Dodington, Gent.
27, ditto, Rob. Cecill, Esq; Tho. Knevitt, Esq;
28, ditto, Rob. Cecil, Esq; Tho. Knevitt, Esq;
31, ditto, Tho. Knevitt, Esq; Peter Osborne, Esq;
35, Rich. Cecill, Esq; Tho. Cole, Gent.
39, ditto, Tho. Knevitt, Esq; Tho. Cole, Esq;
43, ditto, Tho. Knevitt, Kt. Will Cooke, Esq;

*In his Place deceased, John Osborne, Sen.



1, P. at Westm. Tho. Knevitt, Kt. Walter Cope, Kt.
12, ditto,
18, ditto, Edw. Villiers, Kt. Will. Mann, Esq;
21, ditto, Edw. Villiers, Kt. Will. Mann. Esq;

The Returns of the 12th of James I. all lost.



1, P. at Westm. Edw. Villiers, Kt. Will. Mann, Esq;
1, ditto, Rob. Pye, Kt. Peter Heywood, Esq;
3, ditto, Joseph Bradshaw, Esq; Tho. Morris, Esq;
15, ditto, John Glyn, Esq; Will. Bell, Gent.
16, ditto, John Glyn, Esq; Will. Bell, Gent.



12, P. at Westm. Gilbert Gerrard, Esq; Tho. Clarges, Esq;
13, ditto, Phil. Warwick, Kt. Rich. Everard, Kt.
31, ditto, Stephen Fox, Kt. Will Poulteney, Kt.
31, ditto, Will. Poulteney, Kt. Franc. Withins, Esq;
32, P. at Oxf. Will. Poulteney, Kt. Will. Waller, Kt.



1, P. at Westm. Charles Broughton, Esq; Mich. Arnold, Esq;



1, P. at Westm. Will. Poulteney, Kt. Philip Howard, Esq;
2, ditto, * Will. Poulteney, Kt. Walter Clarges, Bar.

*In his Place deceased, Stephen Fox, Kt.



7, P. at Westm. Hon. Charles Mountague, Esq; Stephen Fox, Kt.
10, ditto, Rt. Hon. Charles Mountague, Esq; Rt. Hon. James Vernon, Esq;
12, ditto, Rt. Hon. James Vernon, Esq; Tho. Crosse, Esq;
13, ditto, Hon. James Vernon, Esq; Henry Dutton Colt, Bar.



1, P. at Westm. Walter Clarges, Bar. Tho. Crosse, Esq;
4, ditto, Rt. Hon. Henry Boyle, Esq; Henry Dutton Colt, Bar.
7, ditto, Rt. Hon. Henry Boyle, Esq; Secretary of State, Tho. Medlicott, Esq;
9, ditto, Tho. Medlicott, Esq; Tho. Crosse, Esq;
12, ditto, Tho. Crosse, Bar. Tho. Medlicott, Esq;



1, P. at Westm. Sir Thomas Cross, Bar. Hon. Edw. Wortley, alias Mountague, Esq;

Representatives in Parliament for the Borough of Southwark.




23, P. at Westm. Rich. de Clerk, Will. Dinnock.
26, P. at York, Hugh de Gernemne, Rich. Dunlegh.
28, P. at Lincoln, Hugh de Vinenton, Henry de Dunlegh.
30, P. at London, Peter le Long, Thomas Gwin.
33, P. at Westm. Rich. le Clerk, Roger le Potter.
35, P. at Carlisle, Hugh de Gernemne, John de Perkindon.



1, P. at Westm. Nic. Austin, John de Maldon.
2, ditto, Nic. Demnon, Nic. de Acton.
4, ditto, Nic. de Acton, John de Vineter,
5, P. at London, John de Vineter, Nic. de Austin.
6, P. at Westm. John de Vineter, Ralph de Avenor.
7, ditto, John de Vineter, Nic. le Austin.
12, P. at York, Adam Chandler, Will. Richthorne.
15, P. at York, Rob. Oliver, Will. de Richthorne.
16, P. at Westm. Henry Smith, the other torn.
19, ditto, Rich. Weston, Thomas Fancher.



1, P. at York, Tho. Colman, Thomas Fairber.
2, P. at Northampton, Tho. Colman, Tho. Fairber.
4, P. at Winchester, Rich. Weston, Hen. le Fever,
4, P. at Westm. Will. Rosse, Tho. Coleman.
5, ditto, Geffry Pocock, Rob. de Stamford.
6, ditto, Will. Rosse, Tho. Coleman.
6, ditto, Tho. Coleman, Will Quyure.
6, ditto, Will. Rosse, Tho. Coleman.
8, P. at York, Tho. Coleman, Will. Quyure.
9, ditto, Johannes de Wotton, Rogerus de Arderne.
9, P. at Westm. Tho. Ande, Tho. Coleman.

10, Cons.