Honour of the City. 306

Honour of the City.

" ERS, whom by reason of the Dignity of the City, and the Antiquity of the Citizens, we have been wont to call BARONS."

Divers Princes and Kings have been pleased to be incorporated into some of the Companies, and have chosen to be Freemen of the City.

Kings free of the City.

Henry the Seventh, a very wise Prince, is said to have been in Person at the Election of Master and Wardens of the Merchant Taylors, and to have sat openly among them in a Gown of Crimson Velvet of the Fashion, with a Citizen's Hood of Velvet on his Shoulders, Alamode de Londres, upon their solemn Feast Day, in the Common Hall of the said Company.

Queen Elizabeth was Free of the Mercers.

King James the First incorporated himself into the Clothworkers; as Men dealing in the Principal and Noblest Staple Wares of all these Islands, viz. Woollen Cloths.

And of Queen Elizabeth this further is to be remembred, That she was sprung directly from a Citizen; viz. Sir Geoffry Bullen, sometime Lord Maior of London; who was lineally Ancestor to Queen Anne her Mother, no longer before than the Reign of King Henry the Sixth. And she did Sir Martin Calthorp, when Maior of London, the Honour to call him Kinsman, as indeed he was.

Q. Elizabeth sprung from a Citizen.

Both which Knights and Citizens were Gentlemen born, and of Right Worshipful Families.

It must be added also, to the City's Honour, That it anciently had the Lord Fitz-Water for her Banneret.

L. Fitz-Water the City-Banneret.

There was an old imperfect Volume in the Office of Arms, where the said Lord Fitz- Water's Picture stood. He is there represented standing, and holding a long Sword in his Right Hand, and a Standard resting on the Ground in his Left, with the Figure of St. Paul depicted thereon, (the Titular Patron of the City before Thomas Becket's Time) with a Sword in his Right Hand, and a Book in his Left. On the Lord Fitz-Water's Shield, the well-known Armour of the City, the Cross and Sword. And upon his Coat- Armour, which he wore in this Picture, the Hereditary Ensigns of his own Illustrious Family; which is, Or, a Fess between Two Chevrons Gules.

Off. of Arms.

There needs no greater Demonstration of the City's Ancient Honour, than that a Principal Baron of the Realm was by Tenure her Standard-Bearer.

It hath not been unusual for the City to entertain Foreign Princes: Which they have done splendidly, and made them Presents.

The City entertain the Palsgrave at Dinner.

One Instance whereof was Anno 1612. Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhine, called the Palsgrave, then came into England, to marry the Lady Elizabeth, King James's Daughter. And on the Twenty ninth of October, when the Lord Maior took his Oath according to Custom, the said Prince was entertained at Guildhall, at the Maior's Feast; accompanied with the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Duke of Lenox, the Bishop of London, and divers other Earls and Lords.

J. S.

After Dinner, the Maior and his Brethren, in Behalf of the City, presented the Palsgrave with a very large Basin and Ewer, richly gilded, and curiously wrought, and Two great gilt Pots, suitable to the rest: On every of which was engraven, CIVITAS LONDON.

And upon the Marriage, the Lord Maior and Aldermen presented the Lady Elizabeth with a fair Chain of Oriental Pearl, which cost above 2000l.

When King James the First came from Edinburgh to Windsor, (from whence he came to his City of London) the Citizens presented him with a Purse of Five Hundred Pieces of Gold: The Maior and Aldermen meeting him, (in a very magnificent and splendid manner) and above Four Hundred Citizens in Chains of Gold, and well mounted, at Hide-Park.

The Citizens present King James with 500 Pieces.

Nor have I yet done collecting Matter, shewing the Magnificence of this City of London: Which will appear further, both in those great Numbers of Officers, Attendants and Servants it maintains and makes use of, and likewise in the Liveries and Fees, that have anciently been, and yet are bestowed. These I shall exhibit in Two Tables, which were some Time ago printed. The Credit and Truth of every Particular, I take not upon me to vindicate, but offer them as I found them.

Offices, Places, Liveries and Fees, given by the City.

The Rooms and Offices belonging to the City, are reckoned between Two Hundred and forty and Two Hundred and fifty.

Offices and Places.

The Reader must pardon me, that with the several Places here appear the Sums joined, that have lately been accustomed to be given for them: Since the List was thus drawn by some, who humbly offered it to the Consideration of the Lords and Commons in Parliament, complaining of the ill Consequence of Buying and Selling of Places.

They had, it seems, taken great Pains to find out the Number of Places, together with the respective Value as they were bought and sold: Yet acknowledged, that some might be overvalued from Misinformation; but computed one with another undervalued in the general.

The TABLES are here annexed, as they were then delivered in.

A LIST of the ROOMS and OFFICES belonging to the City.


FOur Attornies in the Mayor's Court,
1200l. each,
Eight Attornies in the Sheriffs Court,
1500l. each,
One Auditor of the City; his Salary
50l. per Ann. his Man's, 12l. and
for the Orphans, 50l. per Ann.
One Beadleship of the Court of Re-
quest, or Conscience,
One Barge-Master to the City,60
Eighteen Bargemen, 35l. each,630
Two Clerks of the Papers of the Comp-
ters, 1500l. each,
Four Clerks Sitters in the Poultrey,
1000l. each,

R. Bromley.
