Ealdgate Ward. Dukes Place. 58

Ealdgate Ward. Dukes Place.

sworn Alderman of the said Portsoken Ward, in the first of Richard II. These Priors have sitten and ridden amongst the Aldermen of London, in Livery like unto them, saving that the Prior's Habit was in shape of a spiritual Person, as I my self have seen in my Childhood: At which time, the Prior kept a most bountiful House of Meat and Drink, both for Rich and Poor, as well within the House, as at the Gates, to all Comers, according to their Estates.

These were the MONUMENTS in this Church:


Sir Robert Turke, and Dame Alice, his Wife.

Monuments in the Priory Church.

John Tirell, Esq;

Simon Kempe, Esq;

James Manthrope, Esq;

John Ascue, Esq;

Tho. Pauset of Scalset, Esq;

John Kempe, Gent.

Robert Chirwide, Esq;

Sir John Heningham, and Dame Isabel, his Wife.

Dame Agnes, Wife to Sir William Bardolph, and then to Sir Thomas Mortimer. [She made her Will 1403. bequeathing her Body to be buried in the Conventual Church of the Holy Trinty, London.]

J. S.

John Ashfield, Esq;

Sir John Dedham, Knt.

Sir Ambrose Charcam.

Joane, Wife to Thomas Nucke, Gent.

John Husse, Esq;

John Beringham, Esq;

Thomas Goodwine, Esq;

Ralph Walles, Esq;

Dame Margaret, Daughter to Sir Ralph Cheny, Wife to Sir John Barkley, to Sir Thomas Barnes, and to Sir W. Bursire.

William Roose.

Simon Frauncis.

John Breton, Esq;

Helling, Esq;

John Malwen, and his Wife.

Anthony Wels, Son to John Wels.

Nicholas de Avesey, and Margery, his Wife.

Anthony, Son to John Milles.

Baldwine, Son to King Stephen, and Matilda, Daughter to King Stephen, Wife to the Earl of Millen.

Henry Fitzalwine, Maior of London, 1213.

Geffrey Mandevile, 1215. And many other.

[Lady Margaret Le Scroope, who 1431. bequeathed her Body to be buried in the Church of St. Trinity of Christ's Church, London. She was Wife of Roger Le Scroope, Knt. and Daughter of Sir Robert Tiptoft.]

J. S.

But to conclude my Speech of this Priory: King Henry VIII. minding to reward Sir Thomas Audeley, Speaker of the Parliament against Cardinal Woolsey, as ye may read in Hall, sent for the Prior, commending him for his Hospitality, promised him Preferment, as a Man worthy of a far greater Dignity; which Promise surely he perfomed, and compounded with him, though in what sort I never heard, for that the Prior surrendred all the Priory, with the Apputenances to the King, in the Month of July, in the Year 1531. the 23d of the said King's Reign. The Canons were sent to other Houses of the same Order. And the Priory, with the Appurtenances, King Henry gave to Sir Thomas Audley, newly Knighted, and afterwards made Lord Chancellor.

Priory of the Holy Trinity surrendred and suppressed.

Given to Sir Thomas Audley.

Sir Thomas Audely offered the great Church of this Priory, with a Ring of nine Bells well tu- ned (whereof four the greatest are now at Stehunhith, [sold to the Parish] and the five lesser at St. Stephen's Coleman Street) to the Parishioners of St. Katharine Christ Church, in exchange for their small Parish Church, minding to have pulled it down, and to have builded there towards the Street: But the Parishioners, having Doubts in their Heads of After-claps, refused the Offer.

Nine Bells in this Church.

Then was the Priory Church and Steeple proffered to whomsoever would take it down, and carry it from the Ground; but no Man would undertake the Offer. Whereupon, Sir Thomas Audley was fain to be at more Charges to take it down, than could be made of the Stones, Timber, Lead, Iron, &c. For the Workmen, with great Labour, beginning at the top, loosed Stone from Stone, and threw them down, whereby the most part of them were broken, and few remained whole, and those were sold very cheap: For all the Buildings then made about the City were of Brick and Timber. At that time, any Man in the City might have a Cart Load of hard Stone for paving, brought to his Door for 6d. or 7d. with the Carriage.

The Church and Steeple.

The said Thomas Lord Audley builded and dwelt on this Priory during his Life, and died there in the Year 1544. Since the which time, the said Priory came (by marriage of the Lord Audley's Daughter and Heir) unto Thomas, late Duke of Norfolk, and was then called the Dukes Place.

Comes to the Duke of Norfolf.

The Dukes Place.

I find the said Duke, Anno 1562, with his Duchess, riding thither thro' Bishopsgate Street to Leadenhall, and so to Creechurch to his own Place: Attended with 100 Horse in his Livery; with his Gentlemen afore, their Coats guarded with Velvet; and four Heralds riding before him, viz. Clarentieux, Somerset, Red Cross, and Blew Mantle.]

The Duke of Norfolk rides thither.

J. S.



At this time the Inhabitants, dwelling and abiding in the said Dukes Place, became utterly destitute of any Parish Church, for resorting to God's Divine Service, and the administration of the blessed Sacraments, which in the time of their former blind Zeal, the demolished Priory not only seemed for their Use, but infinite other thereto resorting. In which respect the Parish Church of St. Katharine being so near, and standing in the CÅ“mitery or Churchyard of the late dissolved Priory of the Holy Trinity, whereby it was called St. Katharine Christ's Church; They resorted thither at the Hours of Divine Service, and for the benefit of the Blessed Sacraments; whereby (to speak rightly) they became a Burthen to the said Parish: yet well enough born withal, in regard to the Benefit ensuing by them. So that they carried the Respect of equal Parishioners, exercising and accomplishing all Duties there, even as if it had been their own proper Parish.

The Inhabitants of the Dukes Place made themselves Parishioners of St. Katharine Creechurch by lack of a Church of their own.

A. M.

The long continuance of them in this kind, although so much disliked, and gladly would have compassed Means for remedy thereof; Yet their power not stretching so far, nor the way (as yet fitting for their Purpose) they remained contented against their Wills, till time would fit them with more convenient opportunity. Ground they wanted not for raising a sufficient Parish Church to themselves, neither did any good Will fail in them for the effecting their Purpose: But only were curbed by lack of Strength, how and which way to bring it about.

The time of such continuance, did merely make a Custom of it in Opinion.

At length, perceiving their Ground (intended for so good a Use to themselves) aimed at for
