Candlewick Ward. St. Laurence Poultney. 189

Candlewick Ward. St. Laurence Poultney.

The Parish Church of S. LAURENCE Poultney.


The Parish Church of S. Laurence, was increased with a Chapel of Jesus, by Thomas Cole, for a Master and Chaplain: The which Chapel and Parish Church was made a College of Jesus, and of Corpus Christi, for a Master and seven Chaplains, by John Poultney, Maior, and was confirmed by Edward III. the twentieth of his Reign. Of him was this Church called S Laurence Poultney in Candlewicke street. Which College was valued at 79l. 17s. 11d. and was surrendered in the Reign of Edward the Sixth; who in the second of his Reign, granted and sold unto John Cheke his Schoolmasster, and Walter Moyle, the said College of Corpus Christi, which stood near the said S. Laurence Church, with several Messuages and Tenements there; together with the Cottages, Shops, Cellars, Sollers, Chambers, Stables, Courts and Curtelages thereunto belonging. Also there belonged unto the same College, a capital Messuage and Tenement called Catford, situate in Lewisham in Kent. Which with other things, was granted to Henry Polstede and Will. More, for 2034l. odd Money.

Parish Church of St. Laurence Poultney made a College.

Which was granted by King Edward to Cheke and Moyle.

J. S.

It was also called the College of S. Laurence de Polteney. The Founder had an House here called Polteneys Inn, which was exchanged for the Church of Napton in the County Warwick, and layd to this College in 8 R. 2. And the Manor of Catford in the County of Kent, granted to the same College in 13 E. 3. To it also belonged Abchurch, and a Pension thence.

Poultneys Inn.

Rob. Witherley, Magister Ecclesiæ Collegiatæ Sti Laurentii de Pulteney London, An. 1385.

Will. Thorp Magister Colleg. Sti. Laurentii Pountney. Lond. Apr. 16. 1426.]

S. Laur. Pountney.

The Steeple of this Church was new ledded, five new Bells were hung, and the Frames they hung in, new made. All the Iles were new raised and levelled, and the whole Church within and without worthily repaired and beautified, at the Cost and Charge of the Parish, in the Years of our Lord God 1631, and 1632.

Regist. Ep. Lond.



George Downes,
Robert Mead,

Anciently through the Churchyard of S. Laurence Poultney Church, was a Way which the Rector once stop'd up, or intended so to do: Which caused a Precept directed to the Rector of S. Laurence in Candlewick street Ward, that he shut not the Churchyard there; because it was a common Way.]

St. Laurence Poultney Churchyard.

J. S.

Libr. E. p. 56.

Robert Radcliffe Earl of Sussex, and Henry Radcliffe Earl of Sussex, were buried there.

Alderman Beswicke was buried there.

John Oliffe, Alderman.

Robert Browne, and others.

Here under lyeth the body of William Beswyke, of Beswyke, Citizen, while he lived, and Draper, and sometime Alderman of London, who deceased the 5. day of May, An. Dom. 1567.

An ancient Monument in the North Ile, Eastward.

A. M.

John Olyffe, Alderman, lying under this stone, dyed the 26. day of June, 1577. Aged 65. yeeres: He was married 40 yeeres to Joane his wife: Hee had seven children; Anne, John, Joane, John, Thomas Matthew, and Edward, who dyed all without issue, save onely Joane. Who married John Leigh, Esquire, and heire of Addington in Surrey, and had issue Olyffe Leigh, now living.

A fair Stone on the Ground in the same Ile.

EVery Christian heart     
seeketh to extoll
The glory of the Lord,     
our onely Redeemer:
Wherefore Dame Fame     
must needs inroll
Paul Withypoll his childe,     
by love and Nature,
Elizabeth, the wife     
of Emmanuel Lucar,
In whom was declared     
the goodnesse of the Lord,
With many high vertues,     
which truely I will record.

A very fair Stone and fairly plated, in the South Ile and Body of the Church.

Elizabeth Lucar, an accomplish'd Woman.

She wrought all Needle workes     
that women exercise,
With Pen, Frame, or Stoole,     
all Pictures artificiall,
Curious Knots or Trailes,     
what fancy would devise,
Beasts, Brids, or Flowers,     
even as things naturall:
Three manner hands could she     
write, them faire all.
To speake of Algorisme,     
or accounts, in every fashion,
Of women, few like     
(I thinke) in all this Nation.

Dame Cunning her gave     
a gift right excellent,
The goodly practice     
of her Science Musicall,
In divers tongues to sing,     
and play with Instrument,
Both Viall and Lute,     
and also Virginall;
Not onely upon one,     
but excellent in all.
Foe all other vertues     
belonging to Nature,
God her appointed     
a very perfect creature.

Latine and Spanish,     
and also Italian,
She spake, writ, and read,     
with perfect utterance;
And for the English,     
she the Garland wan,
In Dame Prudence Schoole,     
by Graces purveyance,
Which cloathed her with Vertues,     
from naked Ignorance:
Reading the Scriptures,     
to judge light from darke,
Directing her faith to Christ,     
the onely Marke.

The said Elizabeth deceased the 29. day of October, An. Dom. 1537. Of yeeres not fully 27. This Stone, and all hereon contained, made at the cost of the said Emanuel, Merchant-Taylor.

A Monument at the uppper end of the North Ile, with this Inscription.


Hoc est nescire, sine Christo     
plurima scire,
Si Christum bene scis,     
satis est, si cætera nescis.

This Monument was erected Anno Domini 1620, by the Lady Ann Bromley, late Wife unto Sir Henry Bromley of Holt, in the County of Worcester, Knight, Daughter of William Beswicke of London Alderman, in remembrance of her first Husband, William Offley of London Merchant, who being Free of the Merchant Taylors, fined both for Sheriff and Alderman.

He had Issue by the said Ann, 15 Children, whereof 5 are living; viz, William, Elizabeth,
