Downgate Ward. Stylyard. 202

Downgate Ward. Stylyard.

who was his second Wife: From whom descended Richard Earl of Warwick, who possessed that House. And being slain at Barnet Field, after his Death, this was given to George Duke of Clarence, who married Isabel Daughter of the said Richard Earl of Warwick: Given to the said Duke by Parliament, and to his Heirs, so long as there was Issue Male of the Marquess Montacute's Body living. And if it chanced the said Issue Male to die, during the Life of the said Duke, then the said Duke to remain seized for Term of Life, saving the Right to all others than the Marquess and his Issue. Rafe Nevyl Earl of Westmerland dyed, seized thereof the 4th. of Henry VI. Joan his Wife the 19th Year of Richard Earl of Sarum [Son to the said Earl of Dame Joan] the 38th. Year of the same King, and Richard Earl of Warwick [Son of the said Richard Earl of Sarum] the 10th of Edward IV. and George Duke of Clarence [who married Isabel a Daughter of Richard Earl of Warwick and Sarum] the 18th. of the same King. After his Death, Edward his Son was seized of it. After George Duke of Bedford [Son of John Nevyl, Marquess Montacute, Son of Richard Earl of Sarum aforesaid] dyed without Issue Male, 1 Edward V. the Lands remaining in the Hands of Edward Son to the Duke of Clarence, till 15 Henry VII. at which Time he was attainted. And so the Lands came to the Crown, and there remained till 3 Henry VIII. At which Time he gave it to John Earl of Oxford, and the Heirs Male of his Body. And Anno 4to. the King gave the Reversion to Sir Thomas Bulleyn, Knt. and the Heirs Male of his Body. Anno 5to. he restored by his Letters Patents, Margaret Daughter and Heir to George Duke of Clarence, and to all the Lands of Richard Earl of Sarum, who by colour of Restitution entred, and was attainted 31 Henry VIII. So the Lands came back to the Crown, and was given the 32d. of the same King, to Sir Philip Hoby, who the 36th, sold it to one Doulphin a Draper, who Anno 1 Mariæ, sold it to the Company of Drapers.

But notwithstanding this Account, by some Lawyers and Historians in those Days, it appears by the Rolls Ann. 6. Hen. 4. that there was a Surrender of this Messuage of th' Erber from Rafe Earl of Westmerland to the King, for the Use of John Darrel and Walter de Arkham. And Richard III. possess'd this Erber, called then, The King's Palace. And one Rauf Dowel, one of the Yeomen of the Crown, was Keeper of this Place to the said King Richard, who made divers Reparations as well upon the said Place, as other Houses thereunto belonging; particularly a Brewhouse called the Checker, belonging to the same, as appeareth by a Ledger Book of that King's, wherein the Accounts of the said Rauf are said to be examined by John Hewyk one of the King's Auditors: And that the Orders were given to Lethington Bailiff of the Lordship of Clavering in Essex, to content him 14l. 18s. 3d. ob. remaining behind in Arrears due to him for the said Reparations.]

It was held by King Richard III.

The Checker.

Ledg. King Rich. III.

But it was lately builded by Sir Thomas Pullison Maior, and was afterward inhabited by Sir Francis Drake, that famous Warriour and Navigator.

Sir Fr. Drake dwelt there.

Next to this great House, is a Lane turning to Bush Lane (of old time called Carter Lane, of Carts and Carr-men having Stables there) and now called Chequer Lane or Chequer Alley, of an Inn called the Chequer.

Carter Lane.

Chequer Lane.

In Thames Street, on the Thames side West from Downgate, is Greenwich Lane, of old time so called, and now Frier Lane, of such a Sign there set up. In this Lane is the Joyners Hall, and other fair Houses.

Greenwich Lane, or Fryer Lane.

Joyners Hall.

Then is Grantham's Lane, so called of John Grantham, sometime Maior and Owner thereof, whose House was very large and strong, builded of Stone, as appeareth by the Gates arched, yet remaining. Ralph Dodmer, first a Brewer, then a Mercer, Maior 1529. dwelled there, and kept his Maioralty in that House: It is now a Brewhouse, as it was before.

Granthams Lane.

Then is Downgate, whereof is spoken in another Place. East from this Downgate is Cosin Lane, named of one William Cosin that dwelled there, in the 4th of Richard the Second, as divers his Predecessors, Father, Grandfather, &c. had done before him. William Cosin dwelling there, was one of the Sheriffs in the Year 1306, the 34th of Edward I. That House standeth at the South end of the Lane, having an old and artificial Conveyance of Thames Water into it, and is a Dye-house called Lombard's Messuage. Adjoying to that House, there was lately erected an Engine to convey Thames Water unto Downgate Conduit aforesaid.

Cosin Lane.

A Ginne to convey Thames Water to Downegate Conduit.

Next to this Lane on the East, is the Stelehouse, or Steleyard (as they term it) a Place for Merchants of Almaine, that used to bring hither, as well Wheat, Rye, and other Grain, as Cables, Ropes, Masts, Pitch, Tarr, Flax, Hemp, Linen Cloth, Wainscots, Wax, Steel, and other profitable Merchandizes. Unto these Merchants, in the Year 1259, Henry the 3d. in the 44th. of his Reign, at the Request of his Brother Richard Earl of Cornwall, King of Almaine, granted that all and singular the Merchants having a House in the City of London, commonly called Guilda Aula Theutonicorum, should be maintained and upholden through the whole Realm, by all such Freedons, and free Usages or Liberties, as by the King and in his noble Progenitors Time, they had and enjoyed, &c. This Charter granted to the Teutonics, the King confirmed by this Letter directed to the Citizens of London, in these Words:

Steleyard for Merchants of Almaine.

Their Charters from Kings.

Guilda Aula Theutonicorum.

K. Henry to the City in behalf of the Hance. Lib. Horn. fo. 285.

"Henricus Dei gratia, &c.
Henry by the Grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Aquitain, &c. To the Citizens of London to whom these Presents shall come, greeting: KNOW ye that at the Instance of the most Serene Prince of the Roman Empire, our Brother, we have granted to these Merchants of Almain, who have a House in our City of London, which is called commonly Gyhall Teutonicorum, that we will maintain them all and every one, and preserve them through our whole Kingdom, in all their Liberties and free Customs, which they have used in our Times, and in the Times of our Progenitors, and will not withdraw such Liberties and free Customs from them, nor suffer them to be at all withdrawn from them, &c. Witness my Self at Westminster the 15th. of June, in the 44th Year of our Reign.]"

J. S.

Edward the First renewed and confirmed that Charter of Liberties granted by his Father. And in the 10th. Year of the same Edward, Henry Wales being Maior, a great Controversie did arise between the said Maior and the Merchants of the Haunce of Almaine, about the Reparations of Bishopsgate, then likely to fall; for that the said Merchants enjoyed divers Privileges, on respect of maintaining the said Gate, which they now denyed to repair. For the appeasing of which Controversie, the King sent his Writ to the Treasurer, and Barons of his Exchequer, commanding that they should make Inquisition thereof: Before whom, the Merchants being called, when they were not able to discharge themselves, sith they enjoyed the Liberties to them granted for the same; a Precept was sent to the Maior

A Controversy between the L. Maior and the Merchants of the Haunce.
