[St. Michael Pater noster.] Vintrie Ward. 3

[St. Michael Pater noster.] Vintrie Ward.

Mine uncunning     
taketh benignely,
For Gods sake,     
and hearken what I say.

Then follow in like Metre 23 staves, containing a perswasion from losing of time foolishly, in lust and vice, but to spend the same in Vertue and in Godliness; as ye may read in Geffry Chaucer his Works, lately printed. The successors of those Vintners and Wine-drawers, that retailed by the Pottle, Quart and Pint, were all incorporated by the Name of Wine- tunners, in the Reign of Edward III. and confirmed the 15th of Henry VI.

Chawcer, fol. 334, and 335.

Wine-tunners incorporated the 15 of Hen. 6.

[Having thus much, not without Travail and some Charges, noted for Antiquity of these Vintners, about two years * since, or more, I repaired to the Common Hall of that Company, and there shewed, and read it in a Court of Assistance: requiring them, as being one of the Principal Companies in this City (of whom I meant therefore to write the more at large) if they knew any more, which might sound to their Worship and Commendation, at their Leisure to send it me, and I would joyn it to my former Collection. But I was answered by some that took upon them the Speech, that they were none of the Principal, but of the inferiour Companies, and so willing me to leave them, I departed; and never since heard from them, which hath somewhat discouraged me any further to travail amongst the Companies, to learn ought at their hands. This Paragraph I thought fit to restore, being left out in the two last Editions.]

The Vintners Company discourage Stow.

*Viz. 1596.

The Vintners one of the 12 Companies.

The readiest to speak, not always the wisest men.

J. S.

Next is Palmers lane, now called Anchor lane. The Plummers have their Hall there, but are Tenants to the Vintners.

Palmers lane, or Anchor lane.

Then is Worcester house, someimes belonging to the Earls of Worcester, now divided into many Tenements. The Fruiterers have their Hall there.

Plummers Hall.

Worcester House.

Fruiterer's Hall.

Then is the Old Swan, a great Brew-house. And this is all, on the Thames side, that I can note in this Ward.

Old Swan.

On the Land side, in the Royal street, is Pater noster lane, I think of old time called Arches: for I read, that Robert de Suffolk gave to Walter Darford, his tenement with the appurtenance, in the Lane called Les Arches, in the parish of St. Michael de Pater noster Church, between the wall of the Field called Winchester field, on the East, and the same Lane on the West, &c. More, I read of a Stone House, called Stoda de Winton, juxta Stodum bridge, which in that Lane was over Walbrooke water.

Pater noster Lane.

L. S. Mary Overie.

The Parish Church of St. MICHAEL, called Pater noster Church in the Royal.


Then is the fair Parish Church of St. Michael, called Pater noster Church in the Royal.

S. Michael de Pater noster, a College, one Alms-house or Hospital.]

This Church was new builded, and made a College of St. Spirit, and St. Mary, founded by Richard Whittington, Mercer, four times Maior, for a Master, four Fellows, Masters of Art, Clerks, Conducts, Chorists, &c. and an Alms-house, called Gods house or Hospital, for thirteen poor Men. One of them to be Tutor, and to have 16d. the week, the other twleve each of them to have 14d. the week for ever, with other necessary provision, an Hutch with three Docks, a common Seal, &c.

Whittington's College.

These (as the manner then was) were bound to pray for the good estate of Richard Whittington, and Alice his Wife, their Foun- ders; and for Sir William Whittington, Knight, and Dame Joan his Wife; and for Hugh Fitzwaren, and Dame Molde his Wife, the Fathers and Mothers of the said Richard Whittington, and Alice his Wife; for King Richard the II, and Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Glocester, special Lords and Promoters of the said Whittington, &c. [It follows in the Wil, For Anne and Eleanor the Wives, of the said King and Duke. Furthermore also for the good Heel and Staat of our aforesaid Lord [King Henry VI. and Arch-bishop. [Henry Chichely] that now be, and the Conservators and Benefactors of the same House, while they live, and for our good Staat, while we live, and for their Souls and ours, whan they and we be passed out of this World; and generally for them, to whom the said Rich. Whyttington and Alice were byhold to, in any manerwise while we live; and for all Christen Soules.]

R. Whittington. Son to Sir W. Whittington, Knight.

J. S.

The Licence for this foundation was granted by King Henry IV. the eleventh of his Reign: and in the twelfth of the same King's Reign, the Maior and Commonalty of London, granted to Richard Whittington a vacant piece of ground, thereon to build his College in the Royal: all which was confirmed by Henry VI. the third of his Reign, to John Coventry, Jenkin Carpenter, and William Grove, Executors to Richard Whittington.

This foundation was again confirmed by Parliament, the tenth of Henry VI. and was suppressed by the Statute of Edward VI. The Alms-houses, with the poor Men, do remain, and are paid by the Mercers.

There be extant in Custody of the Mercers the Original Ordinances of Richard Whittington's Charity, made by his Executors, Coventre, Carpenter and Grove, fairly written. Where on the first Page is curiously allumined the said Whittington lying on his Death-bed, a very lean consumed meagre Body: and his three Executors and a Priest, and divers others standing by his Bed side: Beginning thus:

Ordinances of Whittington Colledge,

J. S.

" To alls the trew People of Cryst, that shalle se or here the Things which be conteyned within these present Letters, John Coventre John Carpentre and William Grove, &c. Executors of the Testament of the worthy and notable Merchant Richard Whittington, late Citezin and Mercer of the Cite of London and oftentimes Meyer of the same Cite, sending Gretyng in our Lord God everlasting. "

" The fervent Desire and help Intention of a prudent, wyse and devout man shal be to cast before and make seure the State and thende of the short liffe with Dedys of Mercy and Pite: and namely to provyde for such pouer Persons which grevous Penuere and cruel Fortune have oppressed, and be not of power to gete their lyving either by Craft or by any other bodily Labour: wherby that at the day of the last Augement, he may take his part with hem that shal be saved. This considering the foresaid worthy and notable Merchaunt Richard Whittington, the which while he leved had ryght liberal and large hands to the Needy and poure People, charged Greitly, in his Death-bed, us his said Executors, to ordeyne a House of Almes after his Deth, for perpetual sustentacion of such poure people as is tofore rehersed: and therupon fully he declared his Wyll unto us. And we wylling after our power to fullfil thentent of his commendable Wille and"
