[S. Antholines.] Cordwainers Street Ward. 17

[S. Antholines.] Cordwainers Street Ward.

Two husbands had she     
in her days,
Whose Corps are both     
inclosed here,
Together with     
the foresaid Dame:
Her love to them     
was aye so dear,
Her cost and charge     
sustain'd the same:
These three, their deeds     
will shew their fame:
Who as she liv'd in amity,     
So here she sleeps in unity.
Domina Elizab. cum Maritis.
Credimus quod Redemptor noster vivit, & novissimo die videbimus Deum Salvatorem nostrum, Job 19.

And Thomas Knowles     
is placed here,
Whose Bones from Bow     
were hither borne:
His godly life     
did well appear,
In helping those     
that were forlorn.
And vertue did     
him so adorn,
That he beloved     
was of all:
Mercer he was,     
when death did call,
In prime of years his life away:
Who dying like     
a worthy wight,
Did hope in Christ,     
to live for aye.
His wife him wailes     
in woful plight,
And for meere love,     
him here she pight,
With her second Spouse     
to sleep in peace;
And she with them,     
When Life shall cease.
Ex eadem Domina Elizabetha trium prolum parens. Qui quidem Thomas obiit 11. die Julii, An. a Messia nato, 1550.

At the west end of the same Tomb.

Over a little door in the South side of the Quire, at the time of late new repairing the Church, was found an ancient figure of a man, clothed in Scarlet furred, holding open his hands, as in admiration; having rings on the thumb and fingers of his left hand, and two Books before him, one closed, and the other lying open, with these words to be read:

This is said to be the true portraiture of John Wells, whose Executors builded the Standard in West-Cheap.

Recogitabo tibi omnes annos meos in amaritudine animæ meæ.
Mercy and Grace, and for ever mercy, sweet Jesus, Ego Rogo]

On one leaf.

Since the rebuilding of this Church, in the Chancel is a flat Stone laid over Daniel Herring Hook of London, Merchant, that departed May 11. 1693. And his Sister Anne Herring, April 17. 1702.

On the other.

J. S.

This Church burnt by the great Fire, was rebuilt: Church and Gallery pewed Anno 1682. It hath a very large comely Cupola.

Late Monuments.

The State of the Charities and Gifts belonging to this Parish of S. Antholines.

Rebuilt anno 1682.


Donors. Gifts per ann.

Mr. Parker gave to be paid by the Com- pany of Merchant Taylors per an. 5 0 0

Lady Martin per ann. 5 0 0

There was an Impropriation in Prestene in Wales, bought with the Lecturers Money: but taken away in the Reign of King Charles the First; which was per ann. 120 0 0

Paid from Christs Hospital before the Fire 16l. but since only 6 0 0

From the Mercers 6 0 0

From the Drapers 6 0 0

Some Leases the Rent uncertain; All being given on Condition, that the Lecture be preached by Men chosen of the Parish yearly.

Concerning the known Lecture in this Parish there is this account given of it above fourscore years ago.

St. Antlins Lecture.

Here is a Lecture every day in the week: upheld by three Preachers, which preach every week twice. For this Lecture the Benefactors Gifts were,

Synops. Papism.

Sir William Craven, and Mr. William Parker100l.
The Parish gathered118l.
Mr. Garret, Merchant Taylor100l.
Henry Hay30l.
Leonard Smith.50l.
Isabel Foxwel Widow50l.
Daniel Dickinson10l.
William White20l.
George Palm50l.
William Benet50l.
The whole Sum
or thereabouts

The Ground of the Parsonage or Vicarage is leased out, according to Act of Parliament.


Mr. Hotchkis, the Incumbent of this Parish and the united Parish of S. John Baptist in the year 1693. when the Parochial Visitation of London was held, gave in this account of his Living, Viz.

That he had 4l. per ann. a Ground Rent for the Parsonage House of S. Antholins: as also had in his Possession a Survey of the Dimensions of the Ground. The Lease he believed was only confirmed by the Dean and Chapter of S. Pauls: who is Patron of the Living.

That he had a Bequest of 10l. per ann. given by Mr. Parker, in King James or King Charles I. his time: and paid on S. Thomas day, by the Merchant Taylors Company.

That the same Person gave 5l. per ann. to the Clark; and 5l. per ann. to the Poor. Both paid at the same Time, and by the same Company.

That great Encroachments were made on the unbuilt Church and Churchyard. That the Parish had underhand consented to some, and received Rent for them: And that others were done by the Lord Mayor and Court of Aldermen, without the Consent of the Archbishop of Canterbury and Bishop of London. And that the Chamberlain of London received the Rents for them. That there was also a Part of the Ground of his Parsonage House of S. Antholins taken in by the Leaseee, to enlarge his own House and Yard.

That both Parishes had charitable Gifts to the Poor, (especially S. John Baptist) which he had great Reason to think were mis-imployed, and put to other Uses.

That the Churchwardens of this Parish have 5s. a piece, and the Minister 3s. 4d. for receiving and paying a charitable Gift, to
