[Present State.] Cheape Ward. 49

[Present State.] Cheape Ward.

Robbery by Lond or by Water, or by Fire brennyng, or by Elde body, or by Contek he leese hand, finger, or other Member of his body: wherefore he may not work, and live of his Craft; so that it be not at his Affault, no at his desert; but at his defence by Record of his neighbours: And if he have wel and truly payd his Quarteridges and other things, as the good men of the Company doen; he shall have of the Silver of the Quarteridges of the Box every Week, for terme of his Life, x pence halfpeny, in helping of his Sustinence, he praying for al the Company: And at his dying shal have the Light and Masses, as is beforeseid.

And if ony man be of good State, and use hym to ly long in Bed; and at rising of his bed, nay wil not work, but wyn his Sustenance, and keep his house; and go to the Tavern, to the Wyne, to the Ale, to wrastling, to schetyng; [i.e. Shooting] and in this maner falleth poor, and left his Cattel in his Defaut for Succour; and trust to be holpen by the Fraternity; that man shal never have good, no help of Companie, neither in his lyfe, no at his dethe; but he shal be put off for evermore of the Companie, &c.

These are some of the Articles of this and such like Guilds: which the Citizens were very fond of entring themselves Members of in the reign of King Edward III. But were narrowly lookt into about the middle of Richard II.

This Church demolished by the great Fire, was rebuilt, and is now a very large and comely Building, furnished with a pair of Organs.

This Church rebuilt.

Benefactors towards the finishing and adorning the Inside of the Church, and building the Vicaridge House, were among others, these:

Benefactors thereunto.

Sir John Langham, Bart. who gave 250l.

Edward Lord Bishop of Norwich, sometime Incumbent here, 50l.

No Gifts, Legacies, or Bequests, are belonging to this Church or Parish, as it was given in at the Parochial Visitation, An. 1693. But there be two weekly Lectures; one preached on Tuesdays, at 30l. per ann. Another on Thursdays, also at 30l. per ann.

No Gifts.


There is one Grammar School kept over the Vestry.


There was no Parsonage or Vicarage House before the Fire. Since the Fire, the Parish took a piece of Ground of the City of London, for a certain number of Years, at the yearly Rent of 20l. and there built an House for the Vicar.


The Glebe does not now appear; but in the Parochial Visitation, An. 1636. in the Presentment, was brought in Rent for two Tenements at 8l per Ann.


The Master and Scholars of Baliol College in Oxford, are the Impropriators of this Church. And a Law-suit arising between them and the Parish, for Arrears of the said impropriate Tithes in the Year 1694. both Parties referred themselves to the final determination of Sir Nic. Petchmere, and Sir John Powel, Kts. two of the Barons of the Exchequer; and bound themselves in the Penalty of 500l. by Obligation, to stand to their Arbitrement: Which was, to pay to John Sayer, Clerk, the Lessee, 300l. in full Discharge of all Arrears. The Inhabitants or Occupiers of Houses in the Parish, to pay unto the Master and Scholars of the said College, 150l. free of all Taxes, at the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin. And hereafter, the said Parish to pay their Tiths for ever, unto the said Master and Scholars, or their Lessee, according to the Rate to which the Inhabitants were affected; in a Scedule annexed. The Chancel, for ever hereafter, to be repaired by the Inhabitants, they receiving the Profits of the Burials there. The said Master and Scholars, to pay to the Vicar of the Parish, within ten Days, 40l. for two Years past. And 20l. per ann. for ever, to the said Vicar and his Successors. Which said 20l. had been always paid by the College to the Vicar. This Award to be confirmed by Act of Parliament, at the Charge of the College, within two Years after the Date of these presents, being the 20 Jan. 6 W. III. 1694. In which Act it appears, that the Rate of the Houses in the above mentioned Scedule, amounted to 150l. per Ann. free of all Taxes; and to be paid by quarterly Payments: and was to be in full discharge of all Tiths, and Ecclesiatical Dues whatsoever.]

An Award between this Parish and Baliol College.

Now for the present State of this Ward. The Streets and Lanes in this Ward, are these following.

Streets, Lanes, &c. in this Ward.

R. B.

Cheap Ward, on the North side, begins about 54 Foot from the East corner of Milk street; and runs Eastward to the West end of the Poultry. And on the South side, from about 33 Foot West of Bow lane corner, runs Eastwards to the entrance into Bucklersbury. Honey lane Market hath the East part of it, a little Westward of the Market-house. Old Jury, the South part on both sides, as far as Sir Robert Clayton's House, which is about 136 Foot. Bucklersbury, all the Street on both sides, except about 80 Foot of the East end. Pancrase lane, on both sides, for 60 Foot, and then on the North side only to Kingstreet. New Queen street, on both sides, as far as Pancrase lane on the East side, and George Yard on the West. The Poultry, on the North side from Cheapside, to the East corner of St. Mildreds Church: And on the South side, from Cheapside to the corner by the Stocks Market.

Cheap Ward.

Hony lane Market.

Old Jury.


Pancrace lane.

New Queenstreet.

The Poultry.

Ironmonger lane, the whole. New Kingstreet, the whole. St. Laurence lane, the whole. Cateaten street, on the North side, from the West corner of St. Laurence Jury Church, to within 25 Foot of Bassishaw street; and on the South side, from about 96 Foot West of St. Laurence Church, to about 40 Foot beyond Ironmonger lane Eastwards.

Ironmonger lane.

New Kingstreet.

St Laurence lane.

Cateaten street.

Bow lane hath not above 48 Foot on the West side of the North end; and about 60 Foot on the East side of the North end: All Guildhall, and the Fore-Court, is in this Ward, but not Blackwel-hall. All which said Streets and Lanes, as thus severed from other Wards, appear by the Girt Line in the Map: And of these Places in order.

Bow lane.

Guild Hall.

Cheapside is a very stately spacious Street, adorned with lofty Buildings; well inhabited by Goldsmiths, Linnen Drapers, Haberdashers, and other Dealers. The Street, (which is throughout of an equal length) begins Westward at Pater noster row, by the Conduit, not yet finished; and in a streight Line runs to the Poultry; and from thence to the Royal Exchange in Cornhil. But the whole Street lying in several Wards, the Courts and Alleys will be taken Notice of, as they lie in their repsective Wards. And as this Street is yet esteemed the principal High street in the City, so it was formerly graced with a great Conduit, a Standard, and a stately Cross; which last was pulled down in the Civil Wars. In the last part, almost over against Mercers Chappel, stood a great Conduit; but this Conduit standing almost in the middle of the Street, being incommodious for Coaches and Carts, was thought fit by the Magistracy, after

