[Her coming again on Faringdon Ward within. publick Thanksgivings.]173

[Her coming again on Faringdon Ward within. publick Thanksgivings.]

On the 23d of August, the ensuing Year, viz. 1705. being a Day of publick Thanksgiving for the Success of Her Majesty's Arms, under the Duke of Marlborough; in forcing the French Lines in Flanders, and afterwards fighting and beating them within those Lines; She, with his Royal Highness, came to St. Paul's in great State; viz.

Queen Anne goes to St. Paul's at a publick Thanksgiving, 1705.

Her MAJESTY came attended in the following manner. First, the Knight Marshal with his Men, on Horse-back. Then the Equeries and Gentlemen Ushers to his Royal Highness, in his Leading Coach. One Equery, the Pages of Honour, and the Gentleman Usher in waiting, in Her Majesty's Leading Coach. In another of Her Majesty's Coaches, the Women of the Bedchamber to Her Majesty. In another, the Maids of Honour. His Royal Highness's Body Coach, with the Lord La War, Groom of the Stole to his Royal Highness; and the Lords of his Bedchamber. Three Ladies of Her Majesty's Bedchamber; viz. the Dutchesses of Somerset and Ormond, and the Marchioness of Hartington, in travailing Body Coach. The Duke of Somerset, Master of the Horse, with the Earl of Arran, the Captain of the Guards in waiting, in one of Her Majesty's Chariots; each drawn by six Horses. A Detachment of the Horse Grenadiers. Her Majesty's and his Royal Highness's Footmen. After them the Yeomen of the Guard, on Foot, some before, and some on each side of Her Majesty's Coach. Then Her MAJESTY, with his Royal Highness, the Dutchess of Marlborough, Groom of the Stole, and the Countess of Sunderland, being the Lady of the Bedchamber in waiting, in the Coach of State drawn by eight Horses. Her Majesty's second Troop of Horse Guards closed the Procession.

The Streets through which Her Majesty passed were lined from St. James's as far as Temple Bar, by the Militia of Westminster; from thence to St. Pauls, they were railed and hung with blue Cloth. The City Trained Bands lining both sides; and upon Scaffolds erected for that purpose, were placed the several Companies in their Gowns, with their respective Flags, Streamers, and Musick. A Battalion of each of Her Majesty's Regiments of Foot Guards, made a Lane from the West Entrance into the Church, to the Door of the Choir. The Balconies and the Windows of the Houses were hung with Carpets and rich Tapestry, and crowded with great numbers of Spectators.

At Temple Bar Her Majesty was met by the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sheriffs, in their Scarlet Gowns, being all on Horseback. The Lord Mayor alighted, made a short Speech to Her Majesty, and surrendered to Her the City Sword; which she was pleased to return to him: And he on Foot carried it before Her Majesty to the Church, the Aldermen and Sheriffs riding before him.

Her MAJESTY being come to St. Pauls, was met at the West Door, at Her alighting out of the Coach, by the great Officers of State, the Nobility and Privy Councellors. Who from thence proceeded to the Choir, in the following Order. First, the Officers of Arms; then the Privy Councellors who are not Peers, two and two. The Peers Temporal and Spiritual, two and two. Norroy and Clarenceux, Kings of Arms. The great Officers of State; and Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. The Serjeants at Arms, with their Maces; and Garter King of Arms, and a Gentleman Usher. The Duke of Ormond with the Sword of State. Her Majesty was led by his Royal Highness, and was followed by the Dutchess of Marlborough, and the Countess of Sunderland. The Earl of Kent, Lord Chamberlain of Her Majesty's Houshold, and the Right Honourable the Vice-Chamberlain, attending near Her Majesty's Person. The Earl of Arran, Captain of the Guard, and the Duke of St. Albans, at the Head of the Band of the Gentlemen Pensioners, closed the Procession.

The Queen and his Royal Highness being entred into the Choir, seated themselves in two armed Chairs, on a Throne erected at the West End thereof, opposite to the Altar. Behind Her Majesty were Stools for two of the Ladies of the Bedchamber, and the great Officers in waiting, attending Her Majesty and his Royal Highness. The Peers and Privy Councellors were placed on the North side of the Choir. The Ladies of the Bedchamber, in the Stalls on the South side; and the Maids of Honour, and Her Majesty's Bedchamber Women, below them. The Peeresses were placed at the West end of the middle Gallery: And the Foreign Ministers, with their Ladies, filled the Places prepared for them in the middle Gallery, on the same side with the Peers. At the East end of the Gallery, were seated the Lord Maior, Aldermen, and Sheriffs Ladies. And at the East end of the South side, the Lord Maior and Aldermen. The rest of the Galleries were filled by the Ladies, and other Persons of Quality, that attended this Solemnity. The Dean and Prebendaries sat within the Rails of the Altar, except such as officiated in reading the Prayers. The Reverend Dr. Willis, Dean of Lincoln, preached. The Hymn Te Deum, with other Anthems, were performed by Her Majesty's Choir and Musick.

The Nobility and others, where placed.

On the 26th of June, 1706. the said Queen Anne came in the like State to St. Paul's, on the publick Thanksgiving for a Third great Victory obtained against the French King at Ramellies in Brabant, and the Successes in Spain: Dr. Stanhope, Dean of Canterbury, preached before her.

Again, Decemb. 31. 1706. being a General Thanksgiving for the Successes of the last Campaign, under Her Majesty's great General the Prince and Duke of Marlborough; the Queen went to St. Paul's Cathedral, attended by both Houses of Parliament, the great Officers of State, the Judges, and other publick Officers. She came in Her Coach of State, drawn by Eight Horses; in which were also the Dutchess of Marlborough, Groom of the Stole, and the Lady Fretcheville, the Lady of the Bedchamber in waiting. The Lord Bishop of Salisbury preached. Her Majesty was received at Her entrance into the Church, by the Peers. The Sword of State was carried before Her Majesty by the Duke of Marlborough. The great Guns of the Tower, and those of St. James's Park, were thrice discharged, the first time, when Her Majesty parted from St. James's; the second at the singing of Te Deum; and the third, when Her Majesty came back to Her Palace.

Again, on Thrusday, May the 1st, 1707. being a Day of publick Thanksgiving appointed for the UNION of both Kingdoms, the Queen came to St. Paul's, attended by a great number of English and Scotch Nobility. She was led up to the Choir by the Earl of Kent,

The Queen comes to St. Pauls on the Thanksgiving for the Union.
