[Monuments. Legacies.] Breadstreet Ward. [Present State of this Ward.]206

[Monuments. Legacies.] Breadstreet Ward. [Present State of this Ward.]

His vertuous Wife, his faithfull Peere,
Margaret, this Monument hath made:
Meaning (through God) that as shee had
With him (in House) long lived well;
Even so in Tombes blisse to dwell.
Obierunt in Christo.
Ille Sabat. 5. Septemb. 1573. Ætatis 56.
Hæc vero 18. Novemb. An. 1579.
April 5. An. Domini, 1593.

The Monument of the Right Honourable Sir John Allot, Knight, late Lord Maior of this City of London, and Maior of the Staple of England. Who deceased the seventeenth day of September, Anno 1591. in the time of his Maioralty. Ætatis suæ 66.

A fair Monument in the North Wall of the Chancel.

Here lieth the Body of Alice Daniel, the Wife of John Daniel, Esquire, and Mother of Gerard Daniel, Fishmonger. Which Alice deceased the thirteenth day of October, Anno Domini 1481. On whose, &c.
Ever doe well.

A fair plated stone under the Communion Table.

Here lieth the Bodies of John Harper, Citizen and Fishmonger, Treasurer of Christ's Hospital, and Alderman's Deputy of Breadstreet Ward, London. And Frances his Wife, Daughter to James Smith, of Great Limber, in the County of Lincolne, Gentleman. By whom he had Issue five Children; but at the time of their Death left onely a Sonne John, and a Daughter Anne, married to John Whitcombe of London. He died the 27th of November, 1632. in the 79th Year of his Age. And shee departed this Life the 30th day of October, 1630. being 72 Yeeres old.

A fair Monument on the South side.


Credimus quod Redemptor noster vivit, & Novissimo die videbimus Deum salvatorem nostrum.]

To this Parish of Margaret Moyses, belong these Legacies.
18s. per ann. the Gift of Joan Bush.
16s. per ann. the Gift of John Spot.

This Parish had never any Parsonage House, or other House or Glebe.

On the West side of this Friday street, is Maiden lane, so named of such a Sign; or Distaff lane, for Distar lane; as I read in a Record of a Brewhouse, called the Lamb in Distar lane, the 16th of Henry VI.

Maiden lane, or Distar lane.

In this Distar lane, on the North side thereof, is the Cordwainers or Shoemakers Hall; which Company were made a Brotherhood or Fraternity, in the 11th of Henry IV.

Cordwainers Hall.

Of these Cordwainers I read, that since the 5th of Richard II. (when he took to Wife Anne, Daughter of Wenceslaus, King of Bohemia) by her Example the English People had used piked Shoes, tied to their Knees with silken Laces, or Chains of Silver and gilt. Wherefore in the 4th of Edward IV. it was ordained and proclaimed, that Beaks of Shin* and Boots, should not pass the length of two Inches, upon pain of Cursing by the Clergy, and by Parliament to pay 20s. for every Pair. And every Cordwainer that shod any Man or Woman on the Sunday, to pay 30s.

Long piked Shoes, tied to the Knees.

*Read, Shoone.

Piked Shoes forbidden.

On the South side of this Distar lane, is also one other Lane, called Distar lane; which runneth down to Knightriders street, or Old Fishstreet.

Now to observe the present Condition of this Ward.

The principal Streets and Places in this Ward, are Watling street, Bread street, Friday street, Distaff lane, Basing lane, with the East side of the Old Change, from the Corner against St. Austins Gate, to Old Fishstreet; and the North side of Old Fishstreet, and Trinity lane, with part of the South side of Cheapside, bewtixt Friday street and St. Mary le Bow Church.

R. B.

Watheling street. It is a Street of a great Thoroughfare, hath good Buildings, which are very well inhabited by great Dealers, chiefly by Wholesale. The Street begins two or three Houses beyond St. Austins Church on the West, and runneth Eastward through the Heart of this and Cordwainer Ward, almost unto St. Anthonines Church; where Budge Row begins, and runneth into Canon street, in Walbrook Ward. In the part of this Street belonging to this Ward, are these Places, beginning by St. Austins Church; viz. St. John Evangelist Churchyard, seated in the East side Corner of Friday street, the Church not being rebuilt, but the Parish united to St. Alhallows Breadstreet; and the Ground on which this Church stood, being inclosed, serveth as a Burying Place for the Inhabitants.

Watheling street.

St. John Evangelist Churchyard.

Breadstreet, is a good open Street, well built and inhabited by great Dealers, both by Wholesale and Retail, Hop Merchants, Grocers, and others. It begins at Cheapside, and runs Southwards to Old Fishstreet, next to Trinity lane, crossing Watheling street. The Courts in this Street beginneth next Cheapside, are Black Spread Eagle Court, but small, with a Free stone Pavement; hath a very good House at the upper end. Planners Court, indifferent large, but ordinary. Star Court, very large, with an open passage for a Cart; is well built and inhabited.


Black Spread Eagle Court.

Planners Court.

Star Court.

Alhallows Breadstreet Church, pretty large, and well built of Freestone; the Front being in this Street, but the Side on Watheling street.

Alhallows Breadstreet Church.

It was consumed in the great Fire, but rebuilt; and the Parish of St. John Evangelist, not built, is united unto it.

Three Cups Inn, very large, well built, and of a great Trade for Country Waggons and Carriers. White Cock Court, a handsome square Place, well built, and inhabited by Wholesale Dealers.

Three Cups Inn.

White Cock Court.

St. Mildred Breadstreet Church, destroyed by the general Conflagration; but now rebuilt of Free stone, with a Spire Steeple covered with Lead, very comely. To which Church, is united that of St. Margaret Moyses, not rebuilt. It is seated on the East side of Breadsteet, at the Corner of Watheling street.

St. Mildreds.

Basing lane, a pretty handsome open Street, with good Buildings; of this Lane, about half is in this Ward: The East part, towards Bow lane, being in Cordwainers Ward.

Basing lane.

In Basing lane is Gerard's Hall, now made use of for an Inn.

Red Lion Court, hath a passage into Watheling street, already taken Notice of. And near

Red Lion Court.
