[House of Converts.] Faringdon Ward without. [Chappel of the Rolls.]263

[House of Converts.] Faringdon Ward without. [Chappel of the Rolls.]

Christ, and there lived under a learned Christian, appointed to govern them.

If the Letter following to King Edward, was sent from this House (as it seems to be) it appears hence, that they were of the Carthusian Profession; and that they received yearly Allowance from the Crown. And that this King, as the House was founded by his Father, continued his Favour to it. In the 6th of his Reign, viz. Anno 1278. they sent one with their Letter, named Frier John the Convert, to bring the King's Charity. Which Letter was penned after this submissive Manner by them; stiling themselves Cælicolæ Christi, i.e. Christ's Heavenly Inhabitants, but very poor.

This House write to King Edward for his Charity.

J. S.

Records in the White Tow.

Illustrissimo & Magnifico Dno. Regi Angliæ, &c. Pauperes Cœlicolæ Christi, & Conventus Dom. Cartusie seipsos ad pedes, & siquid valet oratio peccatorum, sublimitati vre' devotè & humillimè supplicamus, quatenus nob. pauperrimis & indignis servulis vris' helimosinam que singulis annis de fonte pietatis vre' nob. misericorditer emanat, & qua per gram' vram' in Altissimi Servicio sustentamur fratri Johi. Converso nro. exhibitori presentium, persolvi diligenter faciat vra. benignitas graciosa. Quam Rex regum Jhesus vob. & vris. in regno collocet sempiterno: Et optimè valeat in terra Regia Celsitudo. Dat. An. Dom. M. CC. Lxx. viii. In crastino be. Lucie.]

Since the which time, to wit, in the Year 1290. all the Jews in England were banished out of the Realm; whereby the number of Converts in this Place was almost decayed. And therefore in the Year 1377. this House was annexed by Patent to William Burstall, Clerk, Custos Rotulorum, or Keeper of the Rolls of the Chancery, by Edward III. in the 51st Year of his Reign; [or rather the 50th, which was the last Year of his Reign.] And this first Master of the Rolls was sworn in Westminster Hall, at the Table of Marble Stone. Since the which time, that House hath been commonly called the Rolls in Chancery lane.

Table of Marble in Westminster Hall.

Rolls in Chancery lane.

In the 15th of the said King Edward III. his Reign (unless the Year be mistaken) that King annexed by Letters Patents, this House, to the Office of Custos Rotulorum. And there was an Act, wherein it was said, That the Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal, after the Voidance of the said Office of keeping the Rolls, should institute, successively, the Keeper of the Rolls in the said House of the Converts. After which Act of Parliament, John de Waltham, Guardian or Keeper of the Rolls, obtained of Richard II. in the 6th of his Reign, Letters Patents, whereby the King granted to him and his Successors, Keepers of the Rolls, the House of Converts. This John de Waltham was after Bishop of Salisbury; and after Treasurer of England.]

This House settled upon the Masters of the Rolls.

L. Cok. Instit. P. 4. p. 96.

J. S.

Notwithstanding, such of the Jews, or other Infidels, as have in this Realm been converted to Christianity, and Baptized, have been relieved there. For I find on Record, that one William Piers, a Jew, that became a Christian, was Baptized in the 5th of Richard II. and had two Pence the Day allowed him, during his Life, by the said King.

Maintenance allowed to Jews and Infidels converted.

In the Reign of Henry IV. there was one Elizabeth, Daughter of a Rabbi, (who was intitled The Bishop of the Jews) that was a Convert; to whom, besides a Peny a Day paid her by the Keeper of this House of Converts, out of a Branch of the Exchequer, appointed for that purpose, the King of his Grace granted another Peny a Day for her Life, according to a Patent to this Tenor. Rex omnibus ad quos, &c. Salutem. Sciatis quod de gra. nostra speciali, Concessimus Elizabethæ Filiæ Rabi Moyses, Episcopi Judæorum, unum denarium per diem, ultra unum denarium, quem ead. Elizabetha, ut una Judæorum ad fidem Christianorum conversa, per manus Custodi Domus Conversorum Londoniæ, de summa, pro hujusmodi Conversis, ad Scaccarium percipienda, assignata, singulis diebus percipit. Habendum & percipiendum dictum Denarium diurnum per Nos eid. Elizab. tenore præsentium concessum, unà cum dicto altero Denario, &c.]

Elizabeth, a Jewess, converted.

1403. 4 H. 4.

J. S.

Foedera, &c. per Rymer.

In the Chappel of the Rolls are Sermons preached during Term time, by one appointed by the Master of the Rolls. His Salary, they say, is 20l. each Term. It is an honourable Place.

Chappel of the Rolls.

J. S.

In this Chappel of the Rolls, against the East Wall, is a venerable Monument for Dr. Yong, sometime Master of the Rolls. It is cut in the Figure of a well wrought Stone Coffin, on which lies along a Man most artificially carved in Stone; with a Cap and Corners covering his Ears, and a Scarlet Gown; his Hands lying upon his Breast across. On the Wall just above him, the Head and Shoulders of our Saviour appearing out of the Clouds, looking down upon him; and two Angels on each side of our Saviour. Underneath this Figure, is this Inscription in Capitals: Viz.

Monuments in the Chappel of the Rolls.

JO. YONG, LL. Doctori, Sacrorum Scriniorum ac hujus Domus Custodi, Decano olim Ebor. Vita defuncto xxv Aprilis. Sui fideles Executores hoc posuerunt M.D. XVI.

Upon the Base of the Coffin, Dominus Firmamentum meum.

Lower on this Wall, is a very comely Monument, propped by Marble Pillars, with fair Figures of a Lawyer and his Wife together, with a Son and a Daughter. Being erected for the Lord Edward Bruce, Baron Bruce of Kinloss, Master of the Rolls. Who died the 14th of January, 1610. Aged 62.

Against the South Wall, another fair Monument, being the Figures of a Man in Armour, and a Woman, both kneeling; for Alington and his Wife.

Here lies also interred Edward Philips, Kt. sometime Master of the Rolls.]

On the West side, sometime was an House pertaining to the Prior of Necton Park, a House of Canons in Lincolnshire. This was commonly called Hereflete Inn, and was a Brewhouse; but now fair builded for the six Clerks of the Chancery, and standeth over against the said House, called the Rolls; and near unto the Lane which now entreth Fickets Croft, or Ficket's Field.

Prior of Necton Park, his Inn. Now the House of the six Clerks.

Fickets Croft.

There was an Act made, for Assurance of a Tenement to the six Clerks of the Chancery; called Harflete Inn in Chancery lane; and for making them a Corporation. See Acts of Parliament enrolled 32 Hen. VIII. And in the 37th Year of the same King, another Act passed for the same. Under these six Clerks, are sixty Clerks more for the necessary Dispatch of Business. And the late Lord Chancellor Jeffreys added Thirty Clerks more, in all amounting to the number of Ninety. Which the other Clerks took great Offence at. And now there is an endeavour to reduce them to the old number, by not filling up the Vacancies by Death.]

Acts of Parliament for these six Clerks.

Pet. le Neve.
