[Present State Faringdon Ward without. of this Ward.]277

[Present State Faringdon Ward without. of this Ward.]

Adjoining to St. Dunstan's Church, Eastwards, is a small Place of two Houses, which bears the Name of Hen and Chicken Court. And near unto this Court, Fetter lane falleth into Fleetstreet. Flower de lyz Court, or rather Alley, being long, narrow and ordinary, with a Freestone Pavement; hath three Out-lets, two into Fetter lane, and another into Three Leg Alley. This Court is of very small Repute, being but meanly inhabited; the Buildings are on the East side, the West being the back Yards to the Houses in Fetter lane. It is of some Note for the Mousetrap House, being the Receptacle for leud Persons.

Hen and Chicken Court.

Flower de lis Court.

Two Crane Court, a very handsome open Place, with a Freestone Pavement, and graced with good Buildings, well inhabited by Persons of Repute; the front House being larger than the rest, and ascended up by large Stone Steps, late inhabited by Dr. Edward Brown, an eminent Physician. Here is kept the Musæum of the Royal Society.

Two Crane Court.

Red Lion Court, good and large, with a Freestone Pavement; hath a passage into West Harding street, in Goldsmiths Rents. Johnson's Court, hath but a narrow entrance, but opens into a square Court, with a Freestone Pavement, and good Houses, well inhabited. Out of this Court is another, which bears the same Name, but smaller, with one Row of Houses, with pretty Gardens behind them. Dunstans Court, hath a narrow Entrance, but towards the upper end opens into two Parts, and both indifferent, as to Houses and Inhabitants. Bolt Court, very good and open, with a Freestone Pavement; hath good Houses, well inhabited. Three King Court, but small, having two or three Houses. Hind Court, large, and broad at the upper end, where the Houses are much better built and inhabited; and to the whole is a very good Freestone Pavement, cleanly kept. Wine Office Court, long, with a Freestone Pavement; hath good Houses on the West side, the East side having a dead Wall, where there is a passage into White horse Court; and at the upper end hath another passage into Kings head Court, which leadeth into Shoe lane, on the back side of Gunpowder Alley. White horse Inn, large, and of good Resort for Coaches and Horses, and hath some private Houses in it. St. Bride's Court, but small. Peterborough Court, indifferent broad at the upper end, with a Freestone Pavement, and well inhabited. Racket Court, seated betwixt Shoe lane and the Ditch side, a very spacious and handsome Place, with good Houses, well inhabited; the front House takes up the breadth of the Court, and is the Dwelling of Dr. Drew, a noted Physician. Popingey Alley, hath an open passage, but is very ordinarily inhabited by Victuallers, Hatters, &c. Out of this Place, is a passage into Harp Alley, which leads to Fleet Ditch. Black horse Alley, ordinary, and nastily kept. Out of this Alley is a passage to Fleet Ditch.

Red Lion Court.

Johnson's Court.

Dunstan's Court.

Bolt Court.

Three King Court.

Hind Court.

Wine Office Court.

Kings head Court.

St. Brides Court.

Peterborough Court.

Racket Court.

Popingey Alley.

Black horse Alley.

Beyond Fleet Bridge, on the North side, and on Ludgate hill, is Bell Savage Inn, very large, and fit to entertain a great many Coaches and Horses; and hath a very good Trade, especially for Stage Coaches. The first Yard is an open Square, with several private Houses in it: The inner Yard, which is much larger, being taken up in Stabling.

Bell Savage Inn.

Flower de lys Court, long and ordinary; having at the upper end a passage into this Inn. Sword and Buckler Court, also but ordinary; hath a passage into Flower de lis Court. Adjoining to Ludgate, is Half Moon Court, pretty large, but none of the best; at the Entrance is a Coffee House of a good Trade.

Flower de lis Court.

Sword and Buckler Court.

Half Moon Court.

On the South side of Ludgate hill, is Oxenden Corner, over against the Old Baily, pretty well built and inhabited. Dolphin Court, but small, having but one House, which is an Ale House, and hath the Sign of the Dolphin. Goat Alley, indifferent good, with a Freestone Pavement. Hanging Sword Alley, so called from a House of that Name; which is but ordinary, and leadeth into a Court so called, which hath two passages into Water lane, near ajoining. White Lion Court, long, narrow, and ordinary, with a dark Entrance. Bolt and Tun Inn, of a great Resort for Coaches and Horses, especially in the Term time. This Inn hath a back Gate into Water lane. In the passage to it are several Dwelling Houses. Boars head Court, but ordinary; hath a passage into Bolt and Tun Inn. Ram Alley, taken up by Publick Houses; a Place of no great Reputation, as being a kind of privileged Place for Debtors, before the late Act of Parliament for taking them away. It hath a passage into the Temple, and into Serjeants Inn in Fleetstreet. Mitre Court, a pretty open Place, with a Freestone Pavement, down into the Temple, by Steps; a Place much taken up by Publick Houses: And this Place did pretend the like Privileges as Ram Alley, before the said Act. Faulcon Court, a good open Place, with a Freestone Pavement at the upper end, where the Crown Tavern is. Hercules Pillars Alley, but narrow, and altogether inhabited by such as keep Publick Houses for Entertainment, for which it is of Note.

Oxenden Corner.

Dolphin Court.

Goat Alley.

Hanging Sword Alley and Court.

White Lion Court.

Bolt and Tun Inn.

Boars head Court.

Ram Alley.

Mitre Court.

Faulcon Court.

Hercules Pillars Alley.

Serjeants Inn, so called, for that divers of the Judges, and Serjeants at Law, have here their Chambers or Appartments, which are very good Brick Buildings, as it were Houses to themselves; and their Hall where they eat in Common, is a good large Room, ascended up by several Freestone Steps. These Chambers, with the Hall, incompass a fine large square Court. This Inn, as it were, joineth to the Temple, into which it hath a passage; but the chief Entrance into this Inn, is out of Fleetstreet, where there be great Gates, and their Porter to wait to open them, for Coaches to pass in. This Inn was wholly destroyed by the late Fire in London, but rebuilt in a more fair, substantial, and uniform Manner, as now it is.

Serjeants Inn.

There is another Inn for the Judges and Serjeants, which is in Chancery lane; which being a very old and decayed Building in general, the Front Part of late is rebuilt; and standing in Chancery lane, Shops are let out to Tradesmen. The Hall hath been some time Rebuilt; which is large and good, being ascended up by Stone Steps. And in time the whole Inn must be Rebuilt.

Serjeants Inn in Chancery lane.

But to return to Fleetstreet. On the South West side are the Temples. These two Temples, called, the Inner and Middle, although the Buildings before the great Fire were for the greatest part of Timber, yet wholly escaped the general Desolation. But since that time, they have felt two great Fires, and both beginning within the Confines of the Houses; which destroyed almost all the Offices and Lodgings in the several Courts; but the Church, and both the Halls escaped. Since which Fires, the Property of some of the Courts, and most of the Buildings, have been altered, as to their former Position. But again Rebuilt in a most beautiful uniform Manner, very lofty, and more substantial and convenient than before,

The Temples.
