[The Temples.] Faringdon Ward without. [Present State.]278

[The Temples.] Faringdon Ward without. [Present State.]

and all of Brick. These two Temples take up a large Tract of Ground backwards, having no visible Front to the Street, only the two Gates at the entrance into the Middle Temple lane, leading to the Inner Temple. In both which are Chambers for the Students in the Law. And backwards they are furnished with divers large and fair Courts, garnished with lofty Buildings, all of Brick, and uniform: Viz. Exchequer Court, Tamfield Court, Cloysters Court, Hare Court, Vine Court, Figtree Court, Elme Court, Pump Court, Middle Temple Hall Court, Brick Court, and Essex Court. And in these Courts are kept divers Offices belonging to the Crown, with others belonging to the Law: As the Exchequer Office, the Crown Office, the First Fruits Office, the Attorney and Solicitor Generals Office, two of the Prothonotaries Office, the King's Bench Office, &c.

The several Courts in the Temple.

Both Inns have a distinct Government; but for Divine Service they make use of one Place, viz. the Temple Church; and each Society have their Side in the Church; and the Charges of the Church is defrayed betwixt them, as well for the Maintenance of the Master, Reader, and Clerk, as for the Reparations of the Church; in which there is a most stately pair of Organs.

The Church.

The Inner Temple is within this Ward, but the Middle Temple is without it. Each of these Temples have their Halls, of which the Middle is the largest and most stately. And both Houses have their Gardens fronting the River of Thames, which are very well kept, with delightful Walks; the Inner Temple Garden being the largest, the best, and most resorted unto. The Buildings in both Houses that front the Thames, as lying open and airy, and enjoying a delightful Prospect into Surrey, are of the most Esteem.

Their Halls and Gardens.

The Place called the King's Bench Walks,, is now made all Level, neatly Gravelled, and kept in good Order; and very commodious for the Attorneys, and others concerned in the Law, do meet every Afternoon in the Term time, about their Law Concerns, for their Clients.

Kings Bench Walk.

And at the lower end of this Walk, next the Thames, is built a large Office, called the King's Bench Office, for the keeping of the Records of the Court, in case of Fire: This Office standing apart, and no Buildings for Lodgings over it, but a Platform, Leaded.

At the lower end of the Middle Temple lane, is a large and handsome pair of Stairs of Freestone, for the taking Water at, much resorted unto.

And because the Temple hath a beautiful Prospect, and a stately Front towards the Thames, here is added a Figure of it, as it appears to the Eye upon the said River, or on the further Banks of the River, in Surrey.

These Temples have passages into the White Friers, by two Gates; into Fleetstreet, through Mitre Court, Ram Alley, and Serjeants Inn; into Essex Street, and into the Strand, through the Palsgraves head Court; besides the two large Gates in the two Temple lanes.

Temple Bar, is the Place where the Freedom of the City of London, and the Liberty of the City of Westminster doth part: Which Separation was antiently only Posts, Rails, and a Chain; such as now are at Holbourn, Smithfield, and White Chappel Bars. Afterwards there was a House of Timber erected cross the Street, with a narrow Gate-way, and an Entry on the South side of it, under the House. But since the great Fire, there is erected a stately Gate, with two Posterns, on each side, for the Convenience of Foot Passengers; with strong Gates to shut up in the Nights, and always good store of Watchmen, the better to prevent Danger.

Temple Bar.

This Gate is built all of Portland Stone, of Rustick Work below, and of the Order. Over the Gate-way, on the East side, fronting the City of London, in two Nitches, are the Effigies, in Stone, of Queen Elizabeth, and King James I. very curiously Carved, and the King's Arms over the Key Stone of the Gate; the Supporters being at a distance over the Rustick Work.

And on the West side, fronting the City of Westminster, in two Nitches are the like Figures of King Charles I. and King Charles II. in Roman Habit. Through this Gate are two Passages for Foot Passengers: One on the South, over which is engraven, Erected, Sir Samuel Starling being Maior. And another on the North, over which is engraven, Continued, Sir Richard Ford, Maior. Finished, Sir George Waterman, Maior.

Upon the dissolution of the Priory of the White Friers, the Church and Buildings in process of Time became ruinous, and were pulled down. Afterwards converted into Buildings, and now containeth several Courts, Lanes, and Alleys: As Dogwel Court, Essex Court, Ashen Tree Court, Watermans lane, as leading to the River of Thames, where there is a pair of Stairs to take Water at; all Places of ordinary Account; besides the long turning Passage out of Fleetstreet, into the lower end of Water lane, which runneth by the back side of the Temple Buildings, where there are two Doors for a passage into the Temple.

White Friers.

Dogwel Court.

Essex Court.

Ashen Tree Court.

Watermans lane.

This Place was formerly, since its building into Houses, inhabited by Gentry; but some of the Inhabitants taking upon them to protect Persons from Arrests, upon a pretended Privilege belonging to the Place, the Gentry left it, and it became a Sanctuary unto the Inhabitants, which they kept up by Force, against Law and Justice: So that it was sufficiently crowded with such disabled and loose kind of Lodgers. But however, upon a great Concern of Debt, the Sheriff, with the posse Comitatus, forced his way in, to make a Search; and yet to little purpose: For the time of the Sheriff's coming not being concealed, and they having notice thereof, took flight, either to the Mint in Southwark, another such Place, or some other private Place, until the hurly burly was over, and then they returned. But of late the Parliament taking this great Abuse into their Consideration, they made an Act to put down all such pretended Privileged Places, upon Penalties; yet not so well observed as it ought to be.

Water lane severeth White Friers from Salisbury Court. It is a good broad and streight Street, which cometh out of Fleetstreet, and runneth down to the Thames, where there is one of the City Lay stalls, for the Soil of the Streets; which is taken from thence by Barges and Dung Boats, and made use of by Gardiners and Farmers, for the manuring their Grounds. This Lane is better built than inhabited, by reason of its being so pestered with Carts to the Lay-stall and Wharfs, for Wood, Coals, &c. lying by the Water side, at the bottom of this Lane; as also to White Friers, into which it hath an open passage; as likewise another into Salisbury Court. In this

Water lane.
