Suburbs without the Walls. St. John's at Wappin. 37

Suburbs without the Walls. St. John's at Wappin.

" cast or put forth any Entrails of Beasts, or any other filthy and noisome thing whatsoever, into any Ditch, River or Water, or into any Field or Highway, in or near unto the City of London and Westminster. And that all such noisome, corrupt, infectious, or filthy Substance, as hath heretofore been thrown, or cast forth into any Place or Places, in or near the said Cities by any Person or Persons whatsoever; whereby the Air is, or may be corrupted, shall before the 25th of August next be removed and carried away; upon Pain of Punishment and Penalty contained in the said Statute, &c. Geven at our Manour of Greenwich the sixth of June in the thirty second Year of our Reign.]"

The second Year of Henry the Third, the Forrest of Middlesex, and the Warren of Stanes were disaforested: since the which time, the Suburbs about London, have been also mightily increased with Buildings: for first, to begin in the East, by the Tower of London, is the Hospital of St. Katharine, founded by Matilde, the Queen, Wife to King Stephen, as is afore shewed in Portsoken Ward.

Suburb without the Postern by the Tower of London.

Liber Alb. St. Katharines.

St. JOHNS at Wappin.


From this Precinct of St. Katharine, to Wappin in the Wose and Wappin it self, the usual Place of Execution for hanging of Pirates and Sea-Rovers, at the low Water Mark, there to remain till three Tides had overflowed them, was never a House standing within these Forty Years *: but [since the Gallows being after removed farther off] is now a continual Street, or rather a filthy straight Passage, with Lanes and Alleys of small Tenements or Cottages, inhabited by Saylors and Victuallers, along by the River of Thames, almost to Radcliff, a good Mile from the Tower.

Wapping in the Wose.

So it was in the first Edition, but changed in the after Editions into Wapping in the East. Amisse. Wose signifying as much as in the Wash or in the Drain.

The new Chapel in Wappin Hamlet, in the Parish of Whitechappel, was builded in the Year 1617. the Charge being about 1600l. was gathered some Part of it of the several Inhabitants in the same Hamlet; the rest (being the greater Part) was gathered by Letters Patents for Collections in several Counties: the Citizens of London, being worthy Benefactors toward it, procured by the principal Care of Master Rowland Catmore, Robert Bourn, and Robert Mott, and others of the same Parish: Master Richard Sedgwick being the first Minister in that Chapel, and so continueth to this Year 1631.

*That is reckoning from Stows first Edition, in 1598.

Wapping Chappel.

A. M.

Richard Sedgwick, first Minister.

Written upon a high Beam in the midst of the Chapel:

This Chappel was dedicated to Almighty God, and consecrated to the Honour and Glory of his great and wonderful Name, the seventh Day of July, 1617. by the Right Reverend Father in God, John King, then Lord Bishop of London.

The Chapel consecrated.

A fair Gallery built on the South side of the Chappel, with Part of the Benevolence that was given for the Use of the Chapel by the Mariners that went to the East Indies, Anno 1616. in the Royal James, under the Command of Captain Martin Pringe, procured by the Care of Master Rowland Catmore, then Master of the said Ship, and now at the building hereof Warden of the Chapel, 1622.

Gallery built by Mariners.

Master Richard Gardener being at that time of building of the Chapel, Rector of Whitechappel, who had so continued Forty seven Years, being Seventy seven Years of Age, as it was found in a Glass Window made at his own Charge at the upper End of the Chancel.

Richardus Gardenerus Whitechappel Rector 1617.
An. Resident. suæ 47. ætatis suæ 77. 1617.

A weekly Lecture maintained in the same Chapel by Master who hath given Ten Pounds Yearly for ever towards it.

A Lecture here.

This Chapel is now become a Parish Church, by Act of Parliament in King Charles II. his Time, and called St. Johns at Wappin.

Now a Prrish Church.

J. S.



In this Church of S. Johns at Wappin lie interred these Persons, with Monumental Stones set up for, or lying upon them.


Chancel Wall.

A Monument erected by Elizabeth Bradley, Widow. Who was the Daughter of William Wood, of this Hamlet, Esq; in Memory of her late Husband Nicholas Bradley, Anchorsmith, who died 1682. With three of their Children.

On a flat Stone in the Chancel: We dye to live.

North Ile.

Memoriæ Sacrum Davidi Davisoni, Armig. Londinensi, Mysterii Groceriæ Communitatis Civi, &c. 1662. He gave 10l. to the Poor yearly for ever. [He was a great Ropemaker in Wappin: And fined for Alderman.]

Martha, late Wife of Captain William Thompson of Wappin, 1682.

Her Name was Martha, but she had the Heart
Of Mary; for she chose the better part.

Tho. Pope of Wappin, 1640. Also Elizabeth his Wife, 1665.

And Elizabeth, Wife of Tho. Warren, 1672.

The Son and Daughter of Captain John Parker, viz. Zephaniah, 1677. And Alice, 1673. And the said Captain, 1683. And Anne his Wife, 1679.

John Blanke, late of the Hamlet of Wappin Stepney, 1698.

Nicolas, the Son of Evan Flemming of Langeneck in the County of Carmarthen, Merchant, 1681.

Jane Moor, late of this Parish, Widow, 1695. Anne Montgomery her Daughter, 1680.

Elizabeth Sterling, Widow, the Mother of Mary, Wife of John Ifield of the same Hamlet. Also the said Mary, 1684. who died in Childbed.

South Ile.

Joanna Davison, Wife of David Davison, 1653.

Robert Stabler, 1690.

Richard West, Master Carpenter of this Chapel, 1622.

A Tomb enclosed with Iron Grates, for Gregory Page, Esq; late of this Parish, 1693. And three of his Children; Elizabeth, late Wife of Captain John Slade, John and Elizabeth. This Man was made Justice here by King James II.

Francis Partis of Wappin, Mariner, 1685. And likewise four Children.

Rosamond Hicks, 1685.

Middle Ile.

Valentine Elsing, Citizen and Skinner of London, 1656.

To the Immortal Memory of the Right Worthy and much Lamented Mr. Alexander Eaton, Apothecary, 1662.

Gregory Holand, late of Wappin, Chirurgeon, 1688/9. Also five of his Children.

Elizabeth, late Wife of David Davison: By whom he had Issue two Sons and five Daughters, 1637.

Susanna, the Wife of William Ball, 1622.

Jane Hobman, Daughter of Captain Hesketh Hobman, 1693. And Jane Hobman his last Wife, 1697.
