[The Apparel.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.169


Serpents, and such like Fire-works, were thrown about, to afright some and delight others, till the Mischief this rude Sport did, was at length strictly prohibited, by a special Act of Parliament. All these Things added to the Splendor of the Day.]

[Being come in all this Triumph to Guild-hall, the Lord Maior and Aldermen alight from their Horses, and go to the sumptuous Feast prepared there for them. Full well may this be called a Feast, and ranked next in Honour to Saint George's Feast: For the honourable Lords of his Highness's Privy-Council, other Lords, Barons, Judges, Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gentlewomen, with Foreign Ambassadors and Strangers, dine there as invited Guests: And often Kings and Queens of the Realm. And therefore it is desertfully termed The Lord Maior's FEAST.]

The Lord Maior's Feast.

At their coming into the Hall, the new Lord Maior, with two of the ancientest Aldermen, [Master Recorder] and the Sheriffs, go up to the Lords Table to bid them welcome, and likewise all the other Guests. And from thence they go to the Lady Maioress her Table, and come out to the Gentlewomens Table, [and the Judges;] and so from thence the said new Lord Maior goeth into the Chamberlain's Office, where he dineth. Concerning the old Lord Maior, so soon as they come into the Hall, he goeth up to the high Table in the Hustings, and there keepeth the State for that Feast. [When the Hall is served with the Seconds, then the new Lord Maior goeth with Master Recorder, and those Aldermen that dined with him, to bid the old Lord, and all the Companies or Guests in the Hall welcome.]

What order is observed at the Guild-Hall in welcoming the Guests.

Then after Dinner he goeth with the Aldermen to Paul's, and all the Companies waiting, and standing in their due Places for his coming.

Order observed after Dinner, and for going to Paul's.

For going to PAUL'S on All-Saints Day, Christmas Day, Twelf Day, and Candlemas Day.


ALL the Aldermen and the Sheriffs come to the Lord Maior's Place, in their Scarlet Gowns furred, and their Cloaks, with their Horses. From thence they ride to the Guild-hall, my Lord's Company, and the Batchelors, [with their Gentlemen Ushers walking orderly] before him; and there they hear Evening Prayer. When Prayer is ended, they ride to Paul's Church, where both the new Lord Maior and the old put on their Cloaks, and go up to the Quire, and there hear the Sermon. Which done, they walk about the Church, and there put off their Cloaks where they did put them on. Then they take their Horses again, and the Aldermen, [with the Companies and Batchelors] bring the Lord Maior home. And then they have Spice-bread and Hypocrass, and so take their leave of my Lord. [Here is further to be understood, that All-Saints Day is the last Day of the old Lord's riding with the new in this manner.]

The new and old Lords wear both of them their Black Velvet Hoods, and the Sword-bearer the Hat of Maintenance.

An ancient Custom observed in Paul's Church.

[On Saint THOMAS's Day.


THE Lord Maior, and every Alderman likewise, is to sit in the Ward belonging to him, about such Business as is then necessarily required to be done. Each of them is to wear his Violet Gown and Cloak furred.]

If it be not Sunday.

For the CHRISTMAS Holidays.


FOR the Christmas Holidays, until Twelf Day, if the Lord Maior and Aldermen go abroad to any publick meeting, they are to wear Scarlet. But on the working Days, within compass of the Twelve Days, if the Lord Maior go to the Guild-hall, Markets, or Streets, then he and they wear Black.

No Cloak to be worn with their Scarlet.



UPON Innocents Day, the Aldermen dine at the Lord Maior's and the Sheriffs, wearing Scarlet: but the Ladies wear Black.

No State is observed.

For Sunday after Christmas Holidays.


MY Lord and the Aldermen must be in their Violet Gowns, without their Cloaks, to the end to hear the Sermon.

For Monday after Twelf Day.


THE Lord Maior and the Aldermen meet at the Guild-hall by eight of the Clock in the morning, in their furred Scarlet Gowns, and their Cloaks, without Horses: to receive of their several Wards, their sealed Indentures of the Wardmote Inquests: And for swearing of the Constables and Scavengers.

Indentures of the Wardmote Inquests.



THE Lord Maior and the Aldermen meet at Paul's Cross at one of the Clock in the Afternoon, to hear the Sermon, in their Pewk Gowns, and without their Chains and Tippets.

Paul's Cross Sermon on Good Friday: The Black Sword.

For Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week.


ALL the Aldermen and Sheriffs come unto the Lord Maior's Place, before eight of the Clock in the morning, to Breakfast, wearing their Scarlet Gowns furred, with their Cloaks, and Horses. And after Breakfast take their Horses, and ride to the Spittal. And there they put on their Cloaks, and so sit down in order to hear the Sermon. Which done, they ride homeward in due order, till they come to the Well with two Buckets [now a Pump] within Bishopsgate; and there, so many of the Aldermen as do dine with the Sheriffs, take their leave of the Lord Maior, and the rest go home with him.

A Hood for the Lord Maior.

The Cap or Hat of Maintenance.

For Wednesday in Easter Week.


LIKE as before on the other two Days: only reserved, that the Lord Maior and the Aldermen must then be in their Violet Gowns, and suitable Cloaks. [But the Ladies (on the two former Days, wearing their Scarlet) on this Day are attired in Black.]

The last Sermon at the Spittal.



ALL the Aldermen meet the Lord Maior and the Sheriffs at Paul's, in their Scarlet Gowns furred, without their Cloaks or Horses, to hear the Sermon.

The Rehearsal Sermon.



UPON Whitsunday, all the Aldermen use to meet the Lord Maior and the Sheriffs at the new Church-yard by Moor-fields; wearing their Scarlet Gowns lined, without Cloaks, to hear the Sermon there appointed for that Day, which being ended, they depart thence again.]

Sermon at the new Church-yard.

For Monday and Tuesday in Whitsun Week.


THE Aldermen must meet the Lord Maior and the Sheriffs at Paul's; wearing their Scarlet Gowns, without Cloaks, to hear the Sermon.

If his pleasure be to go.

[For the Day of the Lord Maior's Knighthood.


ALL the Aldermen do meet the Lord Maior, either at the Three Cranes (if the King then be

Preparation for either Place of the King's then being.
