The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Eastland Merchants.]262

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Eastland Merchants.]

dispose of it to the Dutch, on the best Terms they could.

At this time, they set forth some of the Advantages this Nation might enjoy, by encouraging the Tobacco Trade to Russia. As, that first, We might probably in a short time vend in Russia 5000 Hogsheads a Year. Which might yield there 120000l. over and above the Czar's Customs: and would be so much new Addition to the Nations Stock. Secondly, the Spinning and Manufacturing that Tobacco here in England, would give new Employment to above 1500 people; besides those that would be employed in Planting, Packing, &c. of it in Virginea; and Ships and Seamen to bring it thence. Thirdly, the Manufacturing of it here, and other petty Charges, upon 5000 Hogsheads, will amount to upwards of 26000l. which will be distributed amongst our labouring People. Fourthly, the carrying of so much Tobacco to Russia, and bringing Returns from thence for it, will give a new Employment to a great Number of our Ships and Seamen. Fifthly, His Majesties Revenues will be encreased betwteen 5 and 6000l. per Ann. by one half of the Subsidy that will not be drawn back. Besides, 'tis certain the greater Vent we have for Tobacco her, the better Price it will yield; and consequently, encourage the Planting of more in Virginea: where there is Land enough to produce more Tobacco than all Europe can consume. And Sixthly, if this Trade be encouraged, we shall bring the greatest part of our Naval Stores from Russia in our own Shipping; whereas now we have almost all those Stores brought us from Sweden, and in Swedes Ships: by which this Nation suffers several ways. As we give the Swedes a greater Price for Naval Stores, than they can be bought for in Russia: The Nation looseth all the Freight we pay the Swedes. The Swedes take little of our Manufactures, &c.

Advantage of this Trade with Russia.

Let me be permitted to add this Passage, that when Mr. Heathcote, one of the Eastland Company (now Sir Gilbert Heathcote, Knight, Alderman, and Master of the said Company) knowing how averse the Priests in Russia were to the taking of Tobacco, addrest to the Czar in high Dutch (at a meeting of the Company with him in London) mentioning the same as like to prove from Impediment to the Trade in his Dominions; he replyed, He would do well enough with them, when he went Home.

The Reply of the Czar to a Merchant.

The Eastland COMPANY; sometime called Merchants of Elbing.

[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Eastland Company   ]

THE Company of Merchants trading to the East Country, called commonly in Queen Elizabeth's time, The Merchants of Elbing, because there they first seated themselves, became incorporated by the said Queen Elizabeth. Elbing oweth a great part of its Beauty and Splendor, and the great Resort of People to it, to the Commerce and Trade of the English. In the said Town is yet to be seen, in a public Hall, the Coat of Arms of an English Agent; as a grateful Remembrance of the Trade brought thither by this Nation. But the Place having but a small River coming up to it, and being found not so commodious as other Places in those Parts, the Merchants have long since left it, and removed themselves to Dantsig, Koningsburg, Riga, and other Towns.

Why called Merchants of Elbing.

J. S.

Camd. Elizabeth sub Ann. 1597.

This Company (by the Name of Governor, Assistants and Fellowship of the Merchants of Eastland) were first incorporated by Queen Elizabeth's Charter, dated August the 17th. Anno Regni 21. with liberty to Trade from any her Majesty's Dominions through the Sounds, into the Realms, Dominions, Dukedoms, Countries, Cities and Towns of Norway, Swethen, Poland, Littaw, Liefland, and Prussen, with the Territories of the same; also Pomerland from the River of Odera Eastwards, with Ryga, Revel, Konningsburgh, Elbing, Brownsborough, Dantzik, Copenhagen, and Elsenore, Finland, Gotland, Ewland, and Burntholme; or any of them, the Narve excepted. That Port being within the Charter of the Russia Company.

And by the Charter, the said Eastland Company, and the Hamburgh Company, may severally Trade with all Denmark. The Trade to Copenhagen and Elsenore, and with Mackleburgh, Jutland, Slesia, Moravia, Lubeck, Wismer, Rostock, Stetin, Straelsound, and the whole River of Odera.

This Company was confirmed by the Charter of King Charles II. dated the 20th of February, Anno Regni 13.

But by a late Act of Parliament, Norway and Sweden were left free for any to Trade to, though not of this Company.]

This Company is found very advantageous to the Publick, by their great Trade, in transporting of our own Commodities, and importing great quantities of rich Merchandizes. Our Commodities exported are Woolen Cloths, Kersies, Sergies, Perpetuanos, Norwich Stuffs, Cottons, Lead, Tinn, Pewter, Hatts, Stockings, together with several other of the Southern and Eastern Commodities. And for these they import Deals, Masts, Timber, Oars, Clapboards, Balks, Bomspars, Cantspars, Pipestaves, Wainscot and Quarters; also Flax, Hemp, Linnen-Cloth, Cordage, Cable-yarn, Pitch, Tar, Tallow, Pot-ashes, Wheat, Rye, Iron, rich Furrs, Bees-Wax, Sturgeon, Stockfish, with several other Commodities.

The useful Trade of this Company.

R. B.

The Atchievement belonging to this Company is thus blazoned; Or, on a Point wavy, a Ship under Sail proper. On a Chief Gules, a Lion, Passant Gardant. And for their Crest, on a Helmet and Wreath of their Colours, an Ark, on which stand a Raven with displayed Wings; or as some vary it, an Elke proper. The Supporters are two Bears Sable. Their Motto, Despair not.

For the Management of the Affairs of this Company, they have a Governor, Deputy Governor, and Court of Assistants, consisting of four and twenty, annually chosen out of the said Fellowship in the Month of October, viz. the first Wednesday after Michaelmas Day: and have their Meetings to keep Courts Monthly, or as occasion requires, at Founders Hall in Lothbury.]

Nathaniel Tenche, Esq; a very grave, intelligent and worthy Citizen and Merchant, and who had fined for Alderman, was for many Years their Governor, and so remained to his Death.

Nathaniel Tenche Governor.

J. S.
