The City of WESTMINSTER.80


stand with his Honour's good Liking to commit the Riot to the Star Chamber. And in the mean Time, being about, by a Jury to be chosen among them, to procure a Verdict to warrant their Doings, to stay their Proceedings, and to grant, that the Title being her Majesty's, may be heard and determined before his Honour and the Barons in the Chequer Chamber.

The Plea, on the other Hand, of the Inhabitants of Westminster and St. Martin's, was to this Import;

That Ebery Farm, containing 430 Acres, Meadow and Pasture, which was holden of her Majesty by Lease, was granted to one Whashe, who paid 21l. per Ann. And the same was let to divers Persons, who, for their private Commodity, did enclose the same, and had made Pastures of Errable Lane; thereby not only annoying her Majesty in her Walks and Passages, but to the Hindrance of her Game, and great Injury to the Common, which at Lammas was wont to be laid open, for the most Part; as by ancient Precedents thereof made, do more particularly appear, both in the Time of Henry the Eighth, Edward the Sixth, ad Q. Mary: And by the Grant made from her Majesty to the new Tenants, it appeareth, that they are to enjoy the same Lands in such Sort as their Predecessors did, which was then always Lammas Ground, and now enclosed about 20 Years past.

The Plea of those that did it.

Ebery Farm.

St. James's Ferm, containing about an 100 Acres, is holden of her Majesty, renting per Ann. 7l 16s. The Ground is held by Polteney, enclosed after Lammas; whereas, in the Time of his Predecessor, that, and divers other Parts were laid open; as Sandpit Close, and Peniless Bench. And now he threatneth Death to any that shall presume to open the same; altho' it pleaseth her Majesty to grant the same to him none otherwise than they have been granted before; that is, Lammas Ground.

St. James's Farm.

There is belongong to the Neat the Quantity of 108 Acres, or thereabouts, which is her Majesty's, and is now in Lease to one Linde and Turner, who keep the same inclosed, converting the same to Pasture, with Divisions and new Hedges; whereas the most Part thereof ought to be Common, and hath been usually Common at Lammas, until within these 19 Years.

The Neat.

There are certain Parcels of Land, by Estimation 50 Acres, holden of her Majesty by Lease, sometime of the Possession of Burton St. John Lasurus of Jerusalem, which in Time past hath been Lammas, and Errable; now divided, hedged, and ditched for Meadow and Pasture, and ought to be common at Lammas: And now in the Te-Tenure of John Dawnson, and by him with-holden, contrary to her Majesty's Grant, and contrary to this Liberty.

There be also divers other Parcels of Land, some the Inheritance of Wilson, a Brewer, &c. And others, whereof some are laid open at Lammas, according to Custom, and some ought to be, which are now kept inclosed.

And of these Enclosures, it may please your good Lordship (as the Plea proceeded) to be imformed, that at her Majesty's last being at St. James's, she greatly misliked, and said, she had for them but 8d. an Acre, and that the Inhabitants abused her greatly therein. Whereupon she commanded some of the Tenants to be by the Lord Chamberlain committed to the Marshalsea: Which was done. And yet notwithstanding, they have proceeded to a farther Enclosure. These Passages above-written, I have taken out of the Original Papers, belonging to the before said Lord Treasurer Burleigh.]



The Boundaries, Streets, Lanes, Passages, and new Buildings, of St. James's, St. Anne's, and St. Paul's Covent Garden Church; With the Monuments of the Dead, and Inscriptions thereon, in each Parish.



THIS Parish was formerly Part of St. Martin's in the Fields: being from thence not long since separated by Act of Parliament. Which was occasioned by the large Encrease of Buildings, especially in these Parts; so that the Parish Church of St. Martin's was not sufficient to receive so great an Auditory, besides other Inconveniencies the Inhabitants of these Parts were subject unto.

This Parish hath, for its Northern Bounds, the high Road leading to Uxbridge, and so Westwards: For its Eastern Bounds, the East Side of Wardour Street, and Whitcombe Street, which belongs to St. Ann's Parish. Then the South Side of Coventry Street to the Haymarket, and then against the East Side of the Haymarket, where at the Entrance of the Pall Mall it crosses the Houses, and Warwick Street, unto the Wall of the King's Garden in St. James's Park, running along by the said Wall, unto the Limits of St. James's House; which are its Southern Bounds, and there it crosses into St. James's Street, and runs up into Pickadilly, taking in the East Side; and so on the Back Side of Bond Street, it runs up into the Fields on the Backside of Swallow-street unto the said High Road, which are its Westward Bounds; so it is encompassed on the East, South, and West, by the Parish of St. Martin's, except some Part of St. Ann's, as aforesaid: And these Bounds do farther appear by the Girt or Prick-line in the Map, so that all the Buildings within the same are in this Parish.

Its Bounds.

But for as much as the Westward Part of St. James's-street, with that of St. James's Place, Park Place, Arlington Buildings, with those of Albemarle Buildings, and so Westward toward Hide Park, which are in the Parish of St. Martin's, but separate by this Parish, and so not convenient to be joyned to the Map of the Parish, as making the Scale too small, therefore it was thought fit to engrave the said Buildings to the Map of this Parish, yet referring the Reader to the Parish of St. Martin's for the Description thereof.

See in the Description of the Parish of St. Martin's.

This Parish of St. James's is large, well replenished with fine open Streets, which are gra-
