Chapters and Contents.xl

Chapters and Contents.

Containing an Account of WESTMINSTER: Its Antiquities, Bounds, Liberties, Parishes, Churches, Royal Palaces, Courts of Justice, Great Houses, and other eminent Places of the said City. Together with the ancient Monastery and Church of St. PETERS there.
To which is added an Appendix of certain Tracts and other Remarks, concerning the State of the City of London. And a Visitation of the Towns and Churches within Four or Five Miles distant about it.

The Contents of the Chapters of the Sixth Book.

CHAP. I. The Description of Westminster. Proceeding from Temple Bar. Clements Inn. New Inn. Lions Inn. Cecil House. Our Ladies Chapel of the Pew. The Mewse. Durham House. The New Exchange. Yorkplace. Charing Cross. St. James's. Tilt Yard. Scotland Yard. White Hall. Channon Row. Woolstaple. The Abby of St. Peters. The founding thereof. This Church turned to a Collegiate Church. K. Henry VII. his Chapel. His Monument. The Monuments in this Church. p. 1.

CHAP. II. The Epitaphs and Inscriptions upon Persons interred in St. Peters. Privileges of Sanctuary, belonging to this Church. Debtors escape hither. Names of the Abbots and Deans of Westminster. p. 22.

CHAP. III. St. Margarets Church. The Monuments there. The Palace of Westminster. The great Hall. Feastings. Parliaments and Law Courts held there. Court of Exchequer. Dutchy Court. Office of Receipt. Star Chamber. Court of Wards and Liveries. Court of Requests. House of Lords. Subterraneous Apartments. The Treasury. Treasury for Records. Augmentation Office. St. Stephen's Chappel. Paliament House. Our Lady of the Piew, or Pew. Cotton House and Library. Clock House. Gate House. The Ambrey. The first printing Press here. Totehill Street. Petty France. Mansels House in Totehill: Where divers Kings, Queens, and Nobles were entertained. The Government and Liberties. p. 40

CHAP. IV. The Government of this City. The Burgesses and Assistants. The Twelve Wards. Other Officers. Orders for Butchers and Poulters of Westminster. What Meal weekly sold by the Bakers. The Poor of Westminster. A Workhouse for Poor and Idle Persons here. Lord Dacres Hospital. Act of Parliament for the Government of this City. p. 56.

CHAP. V. The present State of this City; And Government of it. St. Margarets Parish, with the Streets and Places therein. New Chapel. St. Martins in the Fields. The Bounds. The Church. The Monuments. The Strand. The Palace of St. James's. Lammas Grounds belonging to this Parish and St. Margarets. Contest about Enclosures here. p. 62.

CHAP. VI. St. James's. The Act for making St. James's a Parish. The Church. The Boundaries, Streets, Lanes, Passages and new Buildings of St. James's and of St. Anne's Parish. The Church. Those of St. Pauls Covent Garden. The Church. And the Monuments of the Dead in each Parish. p. 80.