E36/216 folio 124v ( Payments ), 1521 [modernised text]
Scribe 3
to the abbot of Feversham upon a warrant for certain ground which the king have taken into Bridewell in London
£ 100

Item to Robert Amadas and other goldsmiths of London for the making of the King's new years gifts again Christmas last past upon there book signed
£ 1679
15 s
10 d

Item to the commissioners in the marchs of Wales for there diett
from Candlemas last past to Lammas next coming
£ 260
£ 33
6 s
8 d
for there forrein expenses And
£ 53
6 s
8 d
for there quarter fees due at Christmas last past
£ 346
13 s
4 d

Item to Henry Norrice by warrant for repairing of the lodge w
the park of Foly John besid
£ 60

Item to master Pole whom the King's grace sends into Italy for his finding for one whole year
£ 100

Item to Doctor clerk dean of the King's chapel by warrant being ambassador to Rome for his diett
for 150 days at
20 s
the day beginning the 25 day of this Februar
£ 150

Item to Richard Lysle yeoman of the guard upon a warrant for his wages at
4 d
the day from the first day of April year 11th reign of the king Henry 8 unto the 20 day of Februar
year 12nd next after videl
t 323 days amounting unto in all
107 s
8 d

Item to master Traunder one of the queres of the stable for his half years annuity aforehand upon a warrant for Easter next coming unto Michaelmas next after
£ 6
13 s
4 d

Item to Robert Bostoke upon a warrant for his wag
12 d
the day for 4 months S
march April May and June next coming in all
£ 6
2 s

Item to Jamys Mason upon a warrant for his wages aforehand at
12 d
the day for the months of march and April next coming
61 s

sum pagin
£ 2457
13 s
2 d
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