E36/216 folio 125r ( Payments ), 1521 [modernised text]
Scribe 3
to John Burton wiremaker and other upon a warrant for certain gold and for the embroidering of certain doublets for the French king
£ 63
9 s

Item to William Walker Bryan smith and Cristofer walls upon a warrant or bill Riding diverse
Journeys with privy seals into diverse Contreis for the King's grace for their costs
100 s

Item to Alexander Skabutte upon a warrant for the Rest of his wages for january last passed in full payment of
55 s
6 d
40 s
allowed in January last passed in all
15 s
6 d

Item to William Mortemer embroiderer Richard Gibson and diverse other upon a warrant for cloths of gold silks veluett
and other diverse apparels as well for the King's own person as for other by his commandment had and made as well for the justs and Torneys royal lately holden at Guînes as also for masculers and other diverse things as more plainly appears by the same warrant
£ 3007
16 s
11 d

sum part
£ 3077
17 d

sum total isti
mensis February year 12 ‌
£ 8296
7 s
5 d
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