E36/216 folio 125v ( Payments ), 1521 [modernised text]
Scribe 3
first day March year 12 ‌
for the wages of John Van
Winkle Henry Van Artam John van Artam and Claysse Forcevile every of them at
55 s
6 d
the piece
£ 11
2 s

Item for the wages of Hans Bartholomew Richard Rutter Jacobe Jamys Phipher and George Van Hamburg every of them at
12 d
the day a piece
£ 9
6 s

Sunday at Newhall
for the King's offering this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's daily alms this week
37 s
11 d

Item to the Vicar of Croydon that preached this day
20 s

Sunday at Newhall
for the King's offering this Sunday
6 s
8 d

Item for the King's daily alms this week
37 s
11 d

Item to the bishop of Landaff that preached this day
20 s

Item to Doctor Farnando the Queen's physician for his half years fee due the first day of this month of March year duodecimo
£ 33
6 s
8 d

Item to Robert Amadas upon a warrant for certain plate as it appears by the fote of his accounts in the same warrant the some of
£ 1184

Item to the same Robert Amadas upon an other warrant signed for certain parcels of plate given to the French King's servant Memorancz brother and for diverse other things
£ 130
19 s
10 d

Item to John Porthe upon his bill for certain books by him bought for the King's Robes and other his costs for his attendance upon the King's co
26 s
4 d

Item for boat hire with certain money from Westminster to Greenwich 14th day March year 12nd
12 d

Item to Thomas Forster upon a warrant to be by him employed as well towards the finishing of the chapel at Greenwich the building at Eltham and other plac
as the King's council shall command
£ 200

Item to the Prior of Saint Bartholomews for the building at Newhall for this month of march
£ 200

Item to Sir William Tiler knight upon a warrant for one quarter wages due at Christmas last after the Rate of 50 marks by the year and so forth aft
£ 8
6 s
8 d

sum pagin
£ 1784
17 s
8 d
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