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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 9th-16th May 1649 E.530[7]

Perfect Weekly Account.
The daily proceedings in Parliament, and the Councell of State;
the Results of the General Councel of the Army, with other choice
Intelligence from severall parts of Great Brittain.
Containing these ensuing Heads, viz.
A new Declaration of the Levellers concerning the Army and people A Treaty between
the Lord Generall and them, and Major White. Major Gibbons, Master
Stapeley, and captain Bayley commissioners, and their Instructions. The Votes
and Declaration all them, and touching Lieut. col John Lilburne, and there it of
the Prisoners in the Tower. A new discovery of the Prince his Resolution upon the
Counsell and Advise of Major Generall Massey, Colonell Hollis, and others, who
say they are of the moderate party of England.
London, Printed by BARNARD ALSOP, and are to be sold neere
Creplegate, MDCXLIX.
From Wednesday May 9. to Wednesday the 16. of May, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday May. 9.
THe Commons took into consideration the
relief of several Officers which have served
the Parliament, and are now prisoners in the
Isle of Gersey, and other places; and it being
moved, that at this time were many eminent
persons weich were prisoners to the
Parl: and had treated about getting their exchange,
It was ordered, that Col. Robert
Thomas, prisoner in Peter-house, shall go upon
his parol to procure the release of Captain
Nicholas, prisoner in the Isle of Gersey: That
Capt, Weaver hath his Paroll, to procure the
release of Lievt. Parker. That Cap. Bawden
hath his parol for the relief of Cap. Hen. Hatzell.
And that Sir Abraham Shipman hath his parol, for Col. Anthony Buller, late
Governour of Scilley for the Parliament.
From the Hague in Holland, 4 May, 1649. Letters to the young King of
Scots, from his Agent in Denmark, acquaints his Highness, that that King hath
consented to be ayding and assisting to him in any way, which may not prove
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