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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 27th December 1649-3rd January 1650 E.536[37]

Perfect Weekly Account
Certain Speciall and Remarkable Passages from
Both Houses of Parliament; from the Kings Majesty
at Windsor; from the General councell
and severall other parts of the
From Wednesday the 27 of Decemb. to Wednesday the 3. of
January. 1648.
Beginning, Wednesday January. 27.
EDward the second (deposed by
the people) being carryed prisoner
to Berkley Castle, Barber
came, and trimmed the
hair of his face with cold water,
which was thought to receive
some warmth by the abundance
of tears which descended
from his eyes, and trickled
down his sacred cheeks. The
King that now is, was much
moved at his horses falling
lame by the way, as he was
comming to Windsor; another
was sent by a Knight, which lives neer Bagshaw: this horse
being more nimble of foot then the other, seemed to pursue his
way beyond the mind of his Rider, but when he came at a bridge,
was terrified at the noise of the water, as if before law some cause
of tear and danger on each side of the passage, and as it is said, the
horse refused to go any further and his Majesty being not able to
rule this unruly creature, was consented to alight from his backe,
and walke on foot over the bridge: ane whitest he fetched thi
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