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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 27th December 1649-3rd January 1650 E.536[37]

gentle walke, some observed little drops like pearles to fall from
his eyes; Since his comming hither many people have desired to see
him, which they are not denyed, yet are the Parliaments votes observed
that no addresses be made to him, or any speake with him,
without leave from the Lo d Generall or the Speaker, of the house
of Commons. His Majesty hath three new suits, two of them are
of cloth with rich gold and silver lace on them, the other is of black
fatten, the cloack linde with plush; Since the King came to Winsor,
he shewes little alteration of carriage or jesture, and as he was
formerly seldom seen to be very merry, or much transported with
any news either with joy or sorrow. So now, although he expects
a severe charge and try all, yet doth he nor shew any great discontent.
Hee demands the reason of the alteration of the deportment of
those about him, and being, told it was according to orders of the
house, that the knee &c, should be forborne, he said he nere lookt
upon those any more then as of things ceremonies, which were at
election of any whether they would use them or not.
There preach't before the Commons Mr. Brooke and Mr. Watson,
Mr. Brooke his Sermon was acceptable and ordered to be printed if
the Author please, but Mr. Watson Scrupled not to tell them in effect
that they were not a Parliament, and so had not so much as
thanks for his paines.
Thursday Decemb. 28.
THe Commons heard the report from the Committee appointed
to consider on the busines concerning the choosing of
Common-Conncell'men, and other officers in the respective wards
of the City of London, and at last it was ordered as followeth.
Die Iovis Dec. 1648.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament that the Lord
Maior and Common Councell men, and others of the City of
London, Should be requited forth with to provide to the election of
new Common councell men according to the Ordinance of the
This order being brought down to the Lord Mayor, warrants
were presently issued forth into every Ward to proceed accordingly.
The Commons made choice of a Committe to meet and consider
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