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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 27th December 1649-3rd January 1650 E.536[37]

of suspending or quite taking away the oaths of alleageance
and supremency as not thought fit at this time to be taken by such
as bear office.
The Commons appointed to consider of drawing up of a charge
against, and consider of the manner of the Tryall of his Majesty,
reported an Ordinance this day to the house, for attainting him of
high. Treason, and for trying him by such Commissioners as should
be nominated in the body of the said Ordinance.
The house having read it the first time ordered to have it read
again tomorrow morning at ten a clock. The charge runs thus,
That Charles Stewart bath acted contrary to his trust, in departing
from the Parliament setting up his Standard making a war against
them, and thereby been occasion of much bloodshed and misery to the
people, whom be was set over for good: That he gave Commissions to
Irish Rebells, &c. and since was occasion of a second war. &c besides what
done contiary to the Liberties of the Sbuject, and tending to the destruction
of the Fundamentall Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom, &c.
Friday Decemb. 29.
The house debate on the settlement of sufficient security, out of
the customes for repayment of 6000 1. to be advanced for the service
of the Navy; Its said the Earl of Warwick goes out again Admitall
of the next Sommers Fleet.
The house ordered that the Accounts of col. Aldrich a Member
of the house should be transmitted from the committe of accounts
to the Auditors Worcester house, and certified by them.
The Wardens and assistants of the company of Weavers presented
a Petition to the house, setting forth the convenience which
they humbly conceive will much benefit the way of Trade, if removed.
This Petition was referred to a Committee to examine and
report with speed.
The Commons Ordered a Letter to be drawn up and coppies
thereof sent into every County to hasten the payment for the arrears,
of the assessments due to the Army, and further the constant
payment thereof for the future.
Major Pitcher was this day brought in a Coach from St. James
to Pauls churchyard in London and there according to a sentence
past upon him by a Councell of Warr was shot to death.
His charge (besides the violating of the Articles of Worcester)
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