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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 27th December 1649-3rd January 1650 E.536[37]

breath of faith, and fighting against the Parliament at Colchester
the last Summer, he was by the Articles of Pembrook he was to
depart the Kingdome, and on pain of death not to return againe
within two years.
Both houses past an Ordinance for payment of 2885. l. to Mr.
Smithsby for Saddles and other furniture for Horse.
The Commons spent much time in debate for the try all of the
King & committed, it with order, that it should be reported on Monday
morning the first businesse.
Lieut, Col, IohnLilborn and others petitioned the Committee of
the Army shewing their dislike from some things altered in the
agreement for the people.
The Ordinance for the Kings try all this day past the house of
Commons, the names of the commissioners appointed to try him
are as followeth.
The commons chuse a clark in place pf Mt. Elsynge. who hath
resigned his place to the Parliament.
The house of commons, passed the Ordinance for the tryall of
the King, with a Preface or Declaration to this effect.
That whereas it hath been declared by both houses of Parliamet,
that whosoever shall leavy War against the Parliament, when
ther King or others, to be treason, the Law making no evceptions
therein; that therefore they have chosen Judges commissioners
and given them power for tryall of charles Stewart, for leavying
war against them.
The Judges are the Lord chief Justice Rolls. chief Justice of
England, Justice St. Iohn, Lord chief Justice of the common, Pleas
and Lord chief Baron Wild.
The commissioners (who are to be as a Jury) are 150 (whereof
20 of the quorum) some of each house of Parliament, somef the
Army, and some from all the 40 counties.
Of the Lords House; the E. of Denbigh, E, of Pembroke, E. of
Kent, Earl of Mngrave, Earl of Nottingham, and Lord Grey of
Of the house of Commons, the Lord Munson, Lord Grey of
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