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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 27th December 1649-3rd January 1650 E.536[37]

A Commission of Oyer & Terminer was issued to the
Lord Admirall for the tryall of one Lindall (who commanded
in chief at the first revolting of the ships) his Lordship
wrote a Letter to the Parliament, desiring them to confirm
the Indempnity which he had granted to Sir William
Batten, and capt. Jourden.
The House ordered a Committee to examine this businesse,
and the grounds and reasons why the Lord Admirall
should promise Indemnity.
For the prevention of advantage which might bee taken
to carry supplies to Ormond and Inchiqueen, It is Ordered
by the Lords and Commons, that there shall be a cessation
of Trade to Yougbad and Cork Ireland, as likewise to other
Towns in the Province of Munster.
His Majesty hath had some discourse about the Remonstrance,
Declaration and Proposals of the Army, in reference
to the bringing of his person to a tryall, proposing severall
Queries, how that could be, what way they could do it, or
which way they could bring in any Charge against him: It
was answered by a Member of the Army, That what if a
Charge should be brought against him for his life, according
to the manner of tryall of the Subjects by the Lawes
of the Kingdom, what would he then do, in reference to an
answer, for preservation of his Life, Crown, and Priviledge,
the King replyed, That if any such Charge of Impeachment
should be exhibited against him, either by Parliament or
Army, he would not give any answer thereto, but declare
against it, to be both Arbytrary and unlawfull; and that if
they sought to depose and degrade him of his Titles and
Honours, or to spill his Royall bloud, by separating his
Soule and Body, he was resolved to sacrifice his life with
Patience, and to cast himself in the Armes and Bosome of his
sweet Lord and Saviour, and only Redeemer; to the end, He
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