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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 3rd-10th January 1649 E.537[32]

Perfect Weekly Account
Certain Speciall and Remarkable Passages from
Both Houses of Parliament; from the Kings Majesty
at Windsor; from the General councell
and severall other parts of the
From Wednesday the 3 of January, to Wednesday the [unr]
January. 1648.
Beginning, Wednesday January. 3.
A Message is brought to the
Lord Mayor and Aldermen
of London, intimating that the
Army require the chains about
the City to bea taken downe.
The Lord Mayor desires concerning
that and other things,
the advice of a Common councell,
which by reason that
some precincts had not as yet
made choise of their Common
councell men, the time was a
little retarded, so that the Souldiers,
which had time to do it
took down diverse of the chaines, and thereby had them to their
own use. The next day comer a demand to the City for nineteen
thousand pounds as a further part of the arrears to the Army, this
to be payd in at or before this day sevennight on paine of what
might follow, which hastned the summoning of the new Common-councell-men
together. And when they met with the Lord Mayor
and Alderwen, at Guild Hall[nl] it appeared, that those which were

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