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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 3rd-10th January 1649 E.537[32]

On Wednesday last about 3 of the clock in the morning,
the King, Queen Regent[nl], and some of the chiefes[nl]t Grand[nl]ees
got privatly out of the town to St. Germains and their
Guards, without making any noise marched after, This sudden
action caused the Parlement to be immediatly assembled,
whereupon strong guards of Citizens were ordered to
the several Ports, since which time no person of what quality
soever is suffered to go out, yet many have endeavored
it, for which they have not only bin plundered, but some of
them have bin torn, in pieces by the Robble.
The Queen of England remains at the Louuere in this town
and for ought I understand intends not to remove; shee is
extreamly beloved here, and the people are not willing to
let her depart hence. The Bastiell, being the chief Fort in
this City, is summoned by the town, and if the Governour
Surrender it not within two dayes, it will certainly be forced.
I am just now informed, that the Parl. and City have chosen
the Marq. de la Bullaies for their Generall, who comming
out of the parliament chamber into the palace with
his Sword drawn, cried Vive le Roy & le Parlement and so
with acclamations went to the towne house to consult and
take order for the speedy raising of an army which they say
shall be ready to march within few dayes, and in the mean
time parties of Horse and Foot are sent forth to secure the
bringing in of provision.
Paris 4 Jan: 1648.
Munday Jan: 8.
THe House of Commons voted Sir Robert Stuart to be
tryed by a councel of War. The great and high court
for tryall of the King met this afternoone in the painted
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