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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 3rd-10th January 1649 E.537[32]

THe Lords this day met in their House (at least 7 in number) and
after a short debate of a private causes they adjourned until to
morrow morning.
This day a proclamation was made in Westminster Hall (the
Mace being carryed before him that proclaimed it) to this effect,
"Whereas by the act of the commons assembled in Parliament
("who are the Representative body of the Kingdome) charles
Stewart is to be brought to his tryall. All persons which have
any thing against the said charles Stewart King of England are required
to appear before the commissioners, appointed to try him in
the painted Chamber neer the Parliament house at Westminster.
the 10 day of this instant Jannuary, where their names shall be entred,
and their testimony received.
This was proclaimed by one King first at Westminster, and after
wards at the Royall Exchange, and other places in the city of London
The Agents of the people hath received some inlargment, and a
little alteration from that which was first printed, it is now ready
to be signed, and will be published for general satisfaction.
The King is still at Windsor in health, and cheerful, It is not yet
resolved whether he shall come up to receive his tryall at Westm,
and it is said he is nowillin[unr] in should be so.
The Parl. of Scotland do now sit, and more newes is expected
daily from thence, a fair accord is desired on both sides, which very
probably may be kept, especially if they consider with themselves
that the lawes of England are distinct from those of Scotland, and
that we never interrupted their proceedings in any thing Judicial.
That which is most remarkable therefore is,
The Proclamation for any person to come in, and give evidence against
Charles Smart proclaimed by one King in Westminster Hall, and the
City of London. Also Mr. Pryns Answer, to a Committee of the House
of Commons, concerning several papers printed his name, and what
was done thereupon With the present Intelligence from the Parliament,
now sitting in Scotland.
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