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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 24th-31st January 1649 E.540[23]

people of England; And therefore, for your better satisfaction, I
will in this place insert the Charge it selfe, as it was read in the
Court in his Majesties hearing, as followeth.
The Charge of the Commons of England, against Charles Stain,
King of England, Of High Treason, and other High
crimes, exhibited to the High court of Instice,
Saturday Jan. 20. 1648.
THat the said Charles Stuart, being admitted King of England,
and therein trusted with a limited power to govern by, and according
to the Laws of the Land, and not otherwise; And by this
Trust, Oath, and Office being obliged to use the power committed
to him for the good and benefit of the people, and for the preservation
of their Rights and Liberties: Yet nevertheless, out of a wicked
design to erect and uphold in himself an unlimited and tyrannical
power, to rule according to his will, and to overthrow the Rights
and Liberties of his people; yea, to take a way, and make void the
Foundations thereof: He the said Charles stuat, for accomplishment
of such his designs and for the protecting of himselfe and his
adherents, in his and their wicked practices to the same Ends, hath
trayterously and maliciously levyed war against the present Parl.
and the people therein represented Particularly, upon or about the
30 day of June, 1642. at Beverly in the county of York; and upon,
or about the 30 day of July in the year aforesaid, in the county of
the City of York; and upon or about the 24.of August, in the same
year, at the county of the town of Nottingham (when and where he
set up his standard of War;) and also on, or about the 23. ot October
in the same year at Edg. hill, and Keinton field, in the county of
Warwick; and upon, or about the 30 day of Nov, in the same year
at Branford in the county of Middlesex; and upon, or about the 30'
day of Aug. 1643, at Cavesham bridganeer Redding; and upon, or
about the 30 of Octob. in the year last mentioned, at, or neare the
City of Gloucester, as also about the 30 of Nov. at Newbery; and
upon or about the 31 of July 1644. at Copredy bridge in the county
of Oxon; and upon, about the 30 day of Sep. at Bodmin, and
upon or about the 8 day of June, 1645 at the town of Liecester; &
also upon the 14 day of the same moneth in the same year at Neas
by in the County of Northampton. At which severall times and
places, or most of them, and at many other places in this Land, at several
other times within the years aforementioned And in the year
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