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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 24th-31st January 1649 E.540[23]

1646. He the said Charles Stuart, hath caused and procured many
thousands of the free-born people of the Nation to be slain; and by
Divisions and Insurrections within this Land, by invasions from forreign
parts, endevored and procured by him, and by many other evill
ways and means, hath not onely maintained and carryed on the said
war both by Sea and Land, during the years before mentioned; but
also hath renewed, or caused to be renewed the said warre against the
Parl. and good people of this Nation, in this present year, 1648. in the
Counties of Kent, Essex, Surrey, Middlesex, and many other Counties
and places in England and Wales, and also by Sea, and hath given commissions
to his Son, the Prince, and others, for the continuing and renewing
of war against the said Parl & people as aforesaid. By which
cruel and unnatural wars by him levyed continued, and renewed, as
aforesaid, much innocent bloud of the free born people of this Nation
hath been spilt, many Families have been undone, the publike Treasury
wasted and exhausted, trade obstructed and miserably decayed;
vast expence and dammage to the Nation incurred, and many parts
of the Land spoyled, some of them even se desolation.
All which wicked Designs, Wars, and evil practices of him the said
Charles Stuart, have bin carryed and for the, advancing and upholding
of the personal interest of will and power, and pretended prerogative
to himself and his Family, against the publike interest of Common
Right, Liberty, justice, and Peace of the people of this Nation, by, and
for whom he was intrusted, as afore said.
By all which it appeareth that he hath been, and is the Occasioner,
Author, and Contrive of the said Unnatural and Bloody Wars, and
therein guiky of all the Treasons, Murthers Rapines, Burnings spoils,
Desolations, Damage and Mischief to this Nation, acted or commited
in the said wars, or occasioned thereby.
And the Solicitor Gen. doth for the said Treasons and Crimes, on
the behalf of the people of England, impeach the said Charles Stuart
as a Tyrant, Traytor, Murtherer, and a publike Enemy to the Common-wealth
of England: And pray, That He may be put to answer
all and every the premises, That such proceedings examinations, tryals,
sentence and judgment may be thereupon had, as shall be agreeable
to justice.
There was a petition from the Officers and Soldiers of the Army,
incouraging the high Court of Justice to proceed in the great work
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