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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 28th February-7th March 1649 E.546[10]

Perfect: Weekly Account
Certain Speciall and Remarkable Passages from
Both Houses of Parliament; from the High Court
of Justice from the General Councel of the Army
and severall other parts of this his
Containing these ensuing particulars, viz.
A Declaration of Charles these of second published in Scotland. And
the Sentence of the High Court of Justice (yesterday) upon the Earle of
Cambridge, the Earl of Holland, the Lord Goring, the Lord Capell,
and Sir John Owen. The proceedings of the Councill of Estates for the
Common wealth of England, and their further results touching the
Kingdom of Ireland. The Votes and resolutions of the Parliament of
Scotland for the raising of an Army. And the besieging of the City of
Dublin, by Princes Fleet, with forty sayl of ships.
March 6.
Imprimatur, G. MABBOT.
From Wednesday the 28 of February, to Wednesday the 7 of March
Beginning Wednesday February, 28.
IN course, this was the day long continued for a Monthly
Fast, and there being some question made in common,
discourse, whether the Parl[nl]. would have it observed
any longer, or not, the day was more generally observed,
then some where formerly, when high commands
upon penalties for non-obedience, were laid
upon the people; and although the House passed au Act or Declaration
(which they this day ordered to be brought in) for making null and
void the Ordinances formerly made for strict observance of this Monethly
Fast yet many are resolved to keep it; and there be some which

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