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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 14th-21st March 1649 E.548[10]

Prefect Weekly Account
The daily proceedings in Parliament, and the Councell of
State, the Results of the General Councel of the Army, with
other choise Intelligence from severall parts of the
Kingdome of England.
Containing these ensuing particulars, viz.
A Letter from the Governor of Carlisle, to the Governor of Berwick, concerning
the Army in Scotland, and what provisions are making for defence
of those Caresons. A tumulinins gathering together in Lancashire.
A Fight at Sea. Two hundred sayl of ships, laden with Coals coming
for London. The Act against Kingly Government, an Act for appointing
a new Fast, and the proceedings of the House against capt. Bray, who
presented a book against the Lord Generall Fairfax.
London, Printed by BARNARD ALSOP, and are to be sold neere
Creplegate, MDCXLIX.
From Wednesday the 14 of March to Wednesday the 21. of March.
Beginning Wednesday March. 14.
THE House considered on the great necessity of
hastning out more ships to Sea; for it was advertized
by letters, that Prince Ruperts Fleet increaseth,
and had done some late hurt to Merchants
ships: whereupon divers orders were issued
forth to the Commissioners of the Navy,
for the better expediting that service.
The great debate of this day was, concerning
the grand Delinquents of the Kingdom, and voted that these 15 persons
following shal be banished, and their estates confiscated to the use
of the publike, from which they are to have no pardon (viz.) Charles

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