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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 11th-18th April 1649 E.551[3]

Perfect Weekly Account
The daily proceedings in Parliament, and the Councell of
State, the Results of the General Councel of the Army, with
other choise Intelligence from severall parts of the
Kingdome of England.
Containing these ensuing particulars, viz.
A new Declaration of the Scots against the English Army, and the agreement
between them and the Earl of Ormond. The besieging of London
Derry. A new Engagement by the people in the West of England. The
neer agreement between the Scots, and their declared King, the Forces
they have raised, and the towns they fortifie. The petition of Col. Poyer,
and a full relation of the affaires at Sea.
London, Printed by BARNARD ALSOP, and are to be sold neere
Creplegate, MDCXLIX.
From Wednesday 11 April, to Wednesday 18. of April, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday April 11.
THe Councell of State reported this day to the
House, the matter of commitment of Lieu. Col.
J. Lilburn, Mr. Walwin, Mr. Prince, and Mr.
Overton; and after the reading of their Examinations,
a, Vote past to this effect, viz. That
the House do approve of what the Councell
of State had done in committing them prisoners
to the Tower. And it was further Ordered
that the persons aforementioned shal be tryed by common law,
and the Attorney Generall for the Common wealth (Mr. Prideux)
had instructions to prosecute the businesse against them.
Col. Poyer made some further defence to his Charge, than what
I gave you in my last; For, being asked, whether he were not as wel
Commander in chief of the Forces in the town of Pembroke against
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