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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 11th-18th April 1649 E.551[3]

that they shall have power to lead, conduct, and imploy, or cause to
be led, conducted, and imployed, that persons aforesaid arrayed and
weaponed, for the suppression of all rebellions, insurrections, and invasions
that may happen within the said City, or Liberties thereof:
and likewise shall have further power and authority to lead, conduct
and imploy, or cause to be led conducted and imployed, the persons
aforesaid arrayed and weaponed, as well within the said City and
Liberties thereof, as within and into any other part of the Common-wealth
of England, or Dominion of Wales, for suppressing of all
rebellions, insurrections and invasions that may happen, according
as they shall from time to time receive directions from the parliament
of England or the Councell of State, by them authorized and
appointed. And that the said Committee of Militia, or any seven or
more of them, shall have power, and are hereby authorized to constitute
and make Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, and to continue
or remove such Colonels, Captains, and other Officers, from
time to time, as they or any seven or more of them as aforesaid, shal
see cause and think fit.
Hen. Scobel, Cler. Parliamenti.
The Act prescribing certain times to Delinquents, for perfecting
their compositions, under severall penalties, was this day extant;
Whereby it is enacted & ordained, that all such persons whose compositions
have bin set or allowed by both houses of parliament, shall
pay into the Treasury at Goldsmiths Hall before the 6. of May, 1649.
the full sum or sums remaining due upon their said compositions:
and in default thereof, shall pay interest for the same after the rate
of 8.l. per cent. from the time at which the same became due;together
with one fourth part more of the whole sum of their respective compositions,
as an additional Fine. And it is further enacted that all persons
whose fines or compositions have beene set and allowed by the
House of commons only, shall pay into the said Treasury at Goldsmiths
Hall before the 20 day of May, 1649. the full sum of their said
Fines, or so much thereof as remains due; and in default thereof to
pay intrest for the sum after the rate of 8.l. Per cent. from and after
the said; together with one fourth part more of the whole
summe of their respective compositions, as an additionall fine. And
that all such persons whose fines or, compositions have been set before
the 7. day of April, 1649. but before the same day have not bin
reported unto, oreallowed by the commons assembled in parl. shall
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