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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 11th-18th April 1649 E.551[3]

pay to the said Treasury, one moity of their respective Fines, before
the 6 of May, 1649. & the other moity thereof within 6 weekes after
their respective fines shal be allowed by the said Commons, or in default
of such payment, shal pay intrest for the same at the rate aforesaid,
from the time the same shal become payable;together with the
like penalty as a foresaid. And it is further enacted, That in case any
of the persons above mentioned, that make default in payment in of
his or their compositions, within such time and times as are above
limited, that then the reall and personall estates of such defaulter;
shall be forthwith sequestred, until they respectively conform thereunto.
Hen. Scobel, Cler. Parl.
The Parl. made a further progresse in the Act for sale of the Deanes
and chapters Lands. This afternoon the Lord Gen. The Lieut. Gen.
the L. Grey and divers of the commons same to a common-councel
at Guild. Hall London, to treat with the city about the advance of
120000. l. For the relief of Ireland, upon the security of the Assessements
of 90000. l. per mensem; and by way of incouragement of so
good a work, divers speeches were made to animate the city thereunto;
in which, many of the common-councell shew'd great forwardnesse,
and severall propositions made, how the said sum might
be raised; but some excepted against the security propounded, desiring
rather security out of the Deane and Chapters Lands, and a
Committee of the City were chosen to treat with a Committee of
Parliament further about this businesse.
Some more Marchants ships have bin lately taken by the princes
Fleet, and the prize to be equally distributed amongst the Sea-men,
and Souldiery.
An Act brought in for inventoring the Goods and personall Estate
of the late King, Queen, and Prince, and make sale thereof. An
Act was brought in and once read, inabling the Court of Admiralty
to give Sentence of death in criminall causes, and afterwards committed.
Friday 13. April.
AN Act was brought in and read the first time, appointing treasurers
and a committee for receipts and disbursements of the
90000. l. Per mensem, for the Armies in England and Ireland.
An Act read the first time giving power to the Court of Admiralty
to proceed unto Sentence of Death upon Pyrates, Revolters, &c.
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