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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 28th June-4th July 1649 E.562[25]

Perfect Weekly Account.
The daily proceedings in Parliament, and the Councell of State
the Results of the Generall Councell of the Army, with other choise Intelligence
from several parts of Great Brittain.
Containing these ensuing Heads, viz.
The Parliament of Scotlands high and peremptory Answer to a Message sent
them from the Parl. of England, in relation to the executing the late King.
and the present transactions here, and a Randezvouzneer Berwick. A new
Rising in Gloucestershire against part of the Army. The preparations of
Horse and Foot for the declared King of Scots. A Plot discovered for betraying
of Dublin, a lict of those that were killed and taken on both sides, The proceedings
of Parliament the Councell of State, and the sudden advance of the
From Wednesday June 28. to Wednesday the 4. of July, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday June 28.
TIr Paul Pinder and the rest of the old
Commissioners for the Customes, this
day petitioned the house concerning
300000 l. lent to the late King, before
the concernment of this present Parliament,
desiring the house to secure to
them that sum, for doing whereof, himselfe,
and the rest of the Petitioners do
do proffer to advance for the service to
hundred thousand pound these Petitions
was a while debated in the house, and
afterwards ordered to be layd aside for
reasons then shewed.
The Act for reliefe of Creditours
which relates to that for release of such Debtors as have not wherewith to pay the
heads whereof followeth.
1. That from the 24. of March, which shall be 1649. All the Creditours to
whom just debts are or shall be due, to have against their Debtors who shall absent
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