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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 20th-28th June 1649 E.562[6]

Perfect Weekly Account.
The daily proceedings in Parliament, and the Councell of State
the Results of the Generall Councell of the Army, with other choise Intelligence
from severall parts of Great Brittain.
Containing these ensuing Heads, viz.
The perfect heads of P. Charles his declaration to the Scots for an agreement,
and his intentions concerning the people of England and Ireland. The sentence
past upon Mr. Spavin, late secretary to Lieu. G. Cromwel, at a councel of war
A fight between the Marq, of Ormond, and Oneal, A new disturbance in the
county of Worcester. The late successe at sea. The new establishment of the
army and a particular, of the acts agreed upon to be past by the house, before
their adjournment.
From Wednesday June 20. to Wednesday the 28 of June, 1649.
Beginning Wednesday June 20.
VPon the reading of a Letter from his Excellency
the Lord Gen. Fairfax recommending
the case of Jo Everard, Christopher;
Stampford, Tho: Cole, and Jo: Lynn, the
house debated their petitions was debated,
a certificate from divers Gent. of the County
of Essex and a Committee was appointed
together with Mr. Morris and some others
to consider how the petitioners
may have satisfaction for their losses out
of the estate of Theobald Butler a Rebell
in Ireland. The Petition of Alexander
Ben was read and referred to the Lords
Commissioners of the great seal. An Act
past for the fall of the Price of Deans and
Chapters Lands with certain instructions one whereof is, that such persons as double
shall have ten dayes preheminence of others. This act with the instructions; was
was ordered to be ingrossed. A petition from the inhabitant of Kendal in Lancashire
ordered to be referred to the Lord Commissiones of the Great seal.
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