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The perfect weekly account, N/A, 20th-28th June 1649 E.562[6]

Tuesday June 26, 1649.
BY Letters from Barwick dared June 22. thus; The Scots declared Kings
Answer sent by their Commissioners is uncertain to us, and appears as unsatisfactory
to many of them. In effect it is thus; he will not confirm Presbyterial
Government, but approves of it to be profest, yet will he take the Covenant
And for other particulars, he waves his answer till he hath agreed with his
Subject's in Ireland and England; and for the English he will not treat with them,
unless he may have a free Parliament. We have no account what reception this
answer had.
Mr. Spavin, late Secretary to Lieut. Gen. Cromwell, at a Councel of War
this present Tuesday, was sentenced to ride an horse from Westminster to Paules,
and then to the Royal Excharge, with a [unr]per before him, expressing, that he
had for moneys set the Lieut. Generals hand and Seal to several passes, and protections
for Delinquents, without his privity; and also had without the Lieut.
General knowledg, made a passe for the Earl Carvegy to go beyond Sea.
Some means is used by friends, to abate this sentence.
There is a Committee of Officers meet die in diem, to forward the Irish Expedition;
In the first place they compleat and settle the train of Artillery, and
have the Commissionate Officers under consideration.
Colonel Reynold, his Regiment, and two others, are neer Chester, attending
for a wind to be transported into Ireland, if they come safe and speedily to Dublin,
there is not any doubt but Col. Jones, who is reported to be drawing forth
to meet the Enemy in the field, will be in a good condition; although Ormond
hath drayned his Garrisons to strengthen himself against Col. Jones, and (say some)
hath given a late repulse to Owen Roe Oneal.
Yesterday Alderman Packe, and Alderman Bateman were chosen Sheriffs of
the City of London for there year ensuing.
It is reported, that there hath been some little rising in the County of Worcester,
and that they have offered some abuse to the Souldiers; and if this be
true, they may suffer as dearly for it, as their heady brethren have done for the
late, abuse to Capt. Thelwells Troop in Shropshire.
The House debated according to order, the Act concerning poor prisoners for
debt, which in all likelihood, will in few days be brought to perfection.
An Act brought in, read the second time for keeping the Assizes at Lancaster,
for that Country.
Gregory Brandon the Hangman, who [its said beheaded the late King] is dead,
and his predecessor is like to have full employment; this Sessions is great, neer
20 already condemned, 7 are in for robbing the Rolls.

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